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Questions on Aphex Twin's "de-tune" style

sTeh B L

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detuning, yes. microtuning, I don't think so. I don't think there are any midi analogs that can do microtuning except the prophet 5 (and maybe 6) and the Marion synths.
Just p-lock every note to the tuning you want. A bit cumbersome, but still very flexible.


ah, very interesting. but sounds cumbersome, yeah - i suppose you would have to write your parts in regular 12tet and then go through and change the notes to a different tuning? it's cool that ppl are finding ways to work around tuning constraints.

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Guest Chesney

no because that would not even be a talking point. I mean every synth nerd who makes music slightly detunes on osc to get a phatter note and to stop phasing.

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some interesting vibes in there zemu - reminds me of a couple of old aphex and of some of the machinarium soundtrack


a curious vibe, very hard to define but somehow very evocative



Lovely mate

Thanks dudes!

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For a synth with no microtuning capabilities (most of them then!) you can create a sample bank of the patch you want (go chromatically if you wanna be thorough) and assign each note to corresponding key in your favoured sampler. I've never used a sampler that doesn't allow microtuning Of each note.

Aphex said there were no live analogues running in drukqs, I've always assumed the analogue sounding microtuned stuff was done this way - samplebanks of his own gear in a softsampler?

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Guest Chesney

Yeah I assume too. I have notes from my analogues in my machinedrum so I can do what I mentioned earlier. Of course I lose the rest of the analogue stuff like filter and the MD filter is weak but it's nice to run the weird sequence back into an analogue filter.


I didn't realise that the sub37 has different scales hidden in the menu until the other day. Fun to get different vibes from the same old shapes hands get used to playing.

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Zoe could you u/l the tracks so we can hear pls?


OK, someone else asked for this last night, so if you PM me your e-mail address, I'll give you a copy too.

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