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Does anyone have a career they truly enjoy?

Lane Visitor

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Hate to say it man, but if you're looking for something new in a city you have few connections and all your experience is from somewhere else, then you'll be relying on those super frustrating job postings on indeed.com that make it sound like they're looking for Superman to fill the position. I've been through 4 job hunts in the past 12 years or so, and 2 of them were starting over in a new city. Both times I found a job through submitting online job applications, which I know sucks. You sit there day after day submitting resume & cover letter to countless postings hoping someone contacts you back. Last time I went through this it took me 6 months and I interviewed with 5 or so companies before I got hired.

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you absolutely can have a job you love. I have one at the moment.


the problem most people make is attributing their self-worth directly to their income, which results in making decisions which optimise finance but don't optimise fulfillment and deincentivises taking a critical look at ones long term career path. disconnect them. money is important, but its def not everything.


I'm also speaking from the admittedly privileged position of working in the technology industry; I feel hard for artists and other careers where it's very hard to make any money.

I agree 100% with all this, and I'm also in tech (not making Valley bucks but pretty happy most days).


I know far too many people that when they talk about careers they just talk money, money, money, money, money. And yes you're right, it's a real privilege to not have to worry so much about that, but when someone turns into a financial dick-measuring contest, or that they want to take a shitty job just so they can make lots of money (as opposed to a reasonable livable income), I can't help but think that person is just fucking stupid. I'd much rather get paid a little less and do satisfying work where I feel like my ideas and opinions are appreciated and have an effect, and where I have an opportunity to make things better, even on a small scale. There's nothing like it for me, and at this point I'm just worried that it's going to be hard to find another job that grants me that.

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