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SSD Overload in Ableton Live 9


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So I'm getting the HDD overload coming on in ableton when playing just 3 voices of a sample in simpler.

My harddisk is a samsung evo solid state, it should be able to easily handle this i/o, right?

SMART status is verified, there's a little over 100 gig of free space available, tried rebooting.


Any ideas? Should I be worried about this disk failing soon? I got it end of last year...


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download CrystalDiskInfo here http://crystalmark.info/download/index-e.html (shinjuku addition is super kawaii if you're into that sort of thing)


Run it and it will tell you what kind of shape your HD is in


For instance, the HD on this laptop is in "caution" status and I am going to replace it this weekend.


I've never had an SSD fail so I don't know how common that is, but old HD's fail too often.

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RE backup: I use Yadis! backup, free, very good backup utility.


The SSD shouldn't be pooched after only a year in use.


There is a thread over at ableton.com RE hard drive overload, but for some reason I can't copy/paste links on my work laptop so I can't give you the url, srry.

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Thanks for the replies. I'm reading some threads in the ableton forum now Stephen, cheers.




download CrystalDiskInfo here http://crystalmark.info/download/index-e.html (shinjuku addition is super kawaii if you're into that sort of thing)


Run it and it will tell you what kind of shape your HD is in


For instance, the HD on this laptop is in "caution" status and I am going to replace it this weekend.


I've never had an SSD fail so I don't know how common that is, but old HD's fail too often.


Windows only it seems, I'm on osx, should've mentioned that in the op.


Running el capitan on a late 2011 MBP, 8 gigs of ram. 

Gonna back-up to be safe, really hope the drive is gonna be ok, can't afford another one.

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Thanks for the replies. I'm reading some threads in the ableton forum now Stephen, cheers.




download CrystalDiskInfo here http://crystalmark.info/download/index-e.html (shinjuku addition is super kawaii if you're into that sort of thing)


Run it and it will tell you what kind of shape your HD is in


For instance, the HD on this laptop is in "caution" status and I am going to replace it this weekend.


I've never had an SSD fail so I don't know how common that is, but old HD's fail too often.


Windows only it seems, I'm on osx, should've mentioned that in the op.


Running el capitan on a late 2011 MBP, 8 gigs of ram. 

Gonna back-up to be safe, really hope the drive is gonna be ok, can't afford another one.

Same setup here (although I don't use Abelton) - get Time Machine to do a backup, and as for a drive utility, DiskWarrior is the best, but it's pricey: http://www.alsoft.com/DiskWarrior/

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Cheers. I made a backup using super duper last night and after that turned on TRIM control to see if it makes any difference. Might also try putting some electrical tape around the hdd cable, found some YT video stating it could solve all kinds of hdd trouble on all unibody macs.


As for the specific problem within ableton, it seems to be related to having large samples in the liveset and having warp turned on in simpler. The issue doesn't seem to come up (as much) using different simpler instruments where I'm able to play > 24 notes without any trouble.

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