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You Want Me To Go Where?


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I really like the off-kilter, BoC-y textures, and the kick feels like it's hitting me right in the chest. I think later in the track, a little more variation in the melody would be swell. I dig the outro too. Good stuff.


Agreed about it needing a bit more variation. Around 2:00 I was starting to want it to go places.

Production-wise I think it's pretty solid :)


Oh, and this is just me being weird and picky, but the snare (not the glitchy one) is a bit too midi-sounding for my taste. The bass line is also almost too clean sounding. Why not add a bus, add an amp or something to it, turn up the send just a tiny bit until the amp gets enough to make the bass line come alive... or something like that? Just something that makes it sound a bit more alive and not so midi-like ;)

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All good suggestions, and thanks for listening. I definitely plan on varying it up and I actually had the bass feeding to an amp but I think I forgot to turn it on when I did the final recording! so good looks for pointing that out. 

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woah. really cool sounds in this. I've struggled with melodic variation in my own music, but I'm working through that with complete improve within the a scale or even moving the same melody up or down a key. Despite it's mildly repetitive nature, you do have a great melody in this and it complements the synth voice very well. I loooove that crazy outro, too!

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Thanks! I do sometimes have a problem deciding whether to make a melody repetitive (and hopefully hypnotic) or to switch it up. Sometimes it works just fine. 

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