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Ñaka Ñaka – Xahoh cux


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ive been looking forward to this since i saw him live in 2017.  quite different than the albums on opal tapes, on almost an autechre / mark fell tip here, but with very much his own take.  also if you dont know the opal tapes stuff i highly recommend both of those albums



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oof nevermind, this is pretty bad. couldn't figure out why it all sounded so twitchy and out of phase or something but then i read the notes, all done in Pure Data. almost everything i've ever heard out of PD has that cheap digital sound, lots of weird transients/noise/distortion almost. couple of tracks started okay and there was a couple melodies that had that Naka Naka feel but just.... not for me. 

art is nice tho

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crisp and digital definitely; but at the moment i find the palette refreshing, if a bit unforgiving on the ears.

at the show i mentioned (i think it was 2018 actually, at a small basement club here in mx) it sounded great, was all pd manipulated live. rather hypnotic and oddly funky; managed to get a basement of people "dancing" if you want to call it that

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