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remy marathe

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  1. you will be missed TFTT

  2. i'm not sure what you mean by classical music, judging by the responses, but i guess if we're talking solo piano music, this is pretty amazing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4V-h1A-ICE
  3. just finished freedom by jonathan franzen. i liked pieces of the corrections, although his first two novels aren't very good. freedom was mostly boring, sort of attempting to be about "america now" and just coming off as overreaching. i guess if you're in your thirties and listen to a lot of npr this might be an amazing book, but after an eight year wait and so many accolades, i expected a lot more.
  4. this is a major discovery for me. odd future has revitalized my interest in hip hop.
  5. i've heard that sunshine thing in a few movies recently...kick ass comes to mind. i really hate when movies reuse other movie themes, it always sounds like a temp track. lazy.
  6. For what it's worth, that particular shot looked horribly obvious/unimpressive when it aired on TV. come on, it looked fucking great. episode 5 kind of lost me, i was interested in it for the first 10 minutes or so but i just started doing chores around the house while it played in the background. most of the effects have been pretty great but he's right, that shot is just not good. the lighting on the train and the cars doesn't really match the rest of the shot, it's a pretty obvious composite.
  7. while i agree that television should cater exclusively to the needs of white audiences, story matters at amc, and less story wouldn't really fit with the channel's brand. i mean, look at mad men, there's just so much story packed into four seasons that it's become infinitely dense and you can't even tell me what the fuck the show is about.
  8. i'm really worn out on the zombie thing. if you pull this kind of formulaic shit in other genres you get called out on it, but for some reason it's expected in the zombie genre. i guess as a tv show it could work, since it won't fit the whole template of: intro to situation, lay out ground rules, meet characters, one of whom is a tough black man, there's always a couple, one of whom will die, there's always a father and daughter/son and the father inevitably gets bitten then has to die in a stoic manner at the hands of another person in the group, there's a few action set pieces, there's an alamo sequence at the end where nearly everyone dies, a couple people get away. unless we're going to drag that out for two seasons...in which case, fuck this shit.
  9. i don't get the big deal with this. so far it's just been one cliche after another. it's all well executed, but it's predictable and boring. why bother?
  10. check out cheval de frise.
  11. helios - mulier the best helios track and it isn't on an album Mulier.mp3
  12. the michigan album is pretty good. illinois is a bit too gay for me.
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