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Getting Old And Playing Video Games Still - Right or Wrong?




49 members have voted

  1. 1. analord 1

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  3. 3. analord 3

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  4. 4. analord 4

    • A1 Crying In Your Face (4:25)
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  5. 5. analord 5

    • A Reunion 2 (5:10)
    • B Cilonen (5:34)
  6. 6. analord 6

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  7. 7. analord 7

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  8. 8. analord 8

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  9. 9. analord 9

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  10. 10. analord 10

    • A fenixfunk5 (5:07)
    • B xmd5a (7:56)
  11. 11. analord 11

    • A W32.Mydoom.AU@mm (8:47)
    • B1 VBS.Redlof.B (4:39)
    • B2 Backdoor.Ranky.S (6:00)

As some of you may know, I'll be 37 this year, and still play video games, am interested in video games, read about video games, and generally enjoy discussing video games. One of the frustrating things about playing games and getting older is your reflexes are not what they once were, and as a result, it takes a bit of getting used to when someone half your age hands your ass to you in a competitive video game like Street Fighter.


Sure, I guess I could compensate by playing MORE and devoting more time to it, but I have a family, job, wife, etc. that all take up my time, so it's not like I can sit and play for hours and hours without neglecting them (or staying up until the crack of dawn, which, when you're 37, gets harder and harder to recover from the next day).


I enjoy the mutual interest my son and I have in games (I'm probably more into them than he is), and it's something we can share and enjoy together - but at what point am I "too old" to be playing games?


Am I "too old" now? Should I be pursuing more "adult" interests, more "mature" interests?


For me, video games are not just entertainment, but in a lot of ways, an art form - being a graphic designer, I've always looked at the visual aspects of games and could appreciate the beauty of simplistic 8-bit tile graphics made of pixels and a limited colour palette as much as I can be awed by today's near-photo-realistic rendered textures and shaded 3D objects made of millions of polygons. I also enjoy the ideas, stories and concepts that video games convey. I get the same enjoyment out of them as one would a blockbuster movie, or reading a good book.


I know a lot of you are younger, so forgive the ramblings of an old man :emotawesomepm9: , but what do you think about all this? Should I "grow up" and stop playing games, or am I just making this up in my head, thinking I'm too old?


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Guest chunky


As long as your wife and kids tolerate it - fuck yeah play the games.

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Shit when your young you should be doing more active things while you can. When you get older sit on your ass and play all the games you want. Personally if I had a Girl Friend I'd stop dead playing Video games and just be with her and fuck her all the time but since I don't I get on my PS3 and kill fags on Mondern Warfare.

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I think that some games are like an "interactive movie", and I really believe that some games are art...

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the whole concept of categorizing things as either right or wrong is unnecessary and causes you stress psychologically.

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My Dad turns 50 this year. He still plays Tiger Woods, Final Fantasy X2, etc. Actually, he was saying they found the old NES and he went back and beat FF1 (the original) again.


I'd say it's not really any different than more traditional hobbies, like chess or checkers.

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one of my brothers is your age, he used to be a huge video game nerd, did alot of coding and showed me all the great games when i was a little rascal. His job and family got the better of him and he's become very boring.


I think as long as you like playing them, there's nothing wrong with it and you're probably doing something with your life right. i don't see why growing up has to make you enjoy things less.

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Guest Babar


I don't think it's wrong playing video games at age 37. Playing 'childish' games like Pikmin, Mario, or animal crossing is not wrong either. Anyway, is playing gore games more mature than jumping from blocks to blocks ? I don't think so.

I personally don't play video games anymore (i'm 21) (although i sometimes enjoy a ride through san andreas whilst smoking a joint). I don't know, i just get bored quickly because most of time gameplays tend to get repetitive : i prefer games like fallout or GTA, because they are non-linear and make you feel free to do whatever you want. BUt it' not enough.

To me, the future of video games are conversationnal games. There only exist one at the moment and its a pretty short game but the concept is definitely appealing : facade. Just imagine this kind of system implemented into a game like GTA. :squarepusher:

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playing games is good for your mental agility and reflexes, regardless of your age.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


give it up old man! and stop listening to awful "music" too.

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the whole concept of categorizing things as either right or wrong is unnecessary and causes you stress psychologically.


Truth. Play your games JR.

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Guest Dirty Protest


We are the first generation who have had games all our lives, we are the precedent and as such we get to make the age rules =)

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would be a bit like asking when is one too old to play sports.



as long as you can do it and as long as you enjoy it is fine!

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Guest acknowledgeandproceed


I'd like to see Video Games mature with the generation that grew up feeding on them. Yeah. Like me.


So long as a video game is interesting to you, it should be fine. If they degenerate, as a whole, into Something to Sell War and Mindless Consumption, then my interest wanes.


What's a worthwhile game along those lines? Only thing that's piqued my interest recently has been Starcraft 2 and Spore... but I've been out of the loop for a bit.

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