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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. i've promised not to share this with anyone but ... since you asked so nicely ... here you go please, do not share this with anyone though !!! richard's private life and details are obviously nobodys business but his own honestly, it seems absurd to me why anyone would even care or ask for something like this.. hopefully this will keep you creepers happy Her name was all over the press during syro so it's not creepy at all That doesn't mean her photos should be paraded about; the same respect afforded to members of this site is absolutely extended to anyone else, relevant to this site or not.
  2. that flash kick parry... *swoons* oh man they got these up fast Those Ryu skillz are on point!
  3. So he's built his own trap. Living in a prison of only perfection. That would suck. I dont think he needcs that pressure. All artists who make tons of tracks make a lot of average stuff. Maybe that is why we've go years without releases from him. I think Richard holds himself to his own high standards; what the fans think of his music matters (obviously), but not as much as his own.
  4. I bet he's already here. Isn't he....(points accusingly) Ivan Ooze! Hey, don't insult the kid!
  5. Yeah, that seems likely. I guess they didn't have the time to develop the game from the ground up for each platform. If anything, I think promising it for all those platforms is what killed it - should have just stuck to PS4/XBONE/PC/Wii U
  6. Was wondering when somebody was going to post that... Yes, wife and two kids - it will be interesting to see what affect married life, fatherhood has on his music in terms of themes and output. This is exactly my feeling (and was actually the same introduction to him) - there seems to be almost an entire eschewing (is that the word) of reverb in is tracks from the past decade, I wonder what the decision for that is ? I think like any artist, when you use an effect or technique constantly, you get bored of it and look for other ways to express yourself - he probably just got bored with reverbing everything, and decided a more tighter sound was the direction he wanted to go in. One of my biggest complaints about electronic music in general is the lack of stereo separation - for some reason, more traditional music (pop, etc.) has nice separation, with sounds coming from distinct parts of the soundspace - with electronic music, it seems very flat and not dimensional. Of course, there are some standouts, but the vast majority of it is really 2-dimensional (to my ears, anyway). FWIW I don't listen with headphones very often; usually in the car or on computer speakers.
  7. I think Shovel Knight is a textbook example of how to do a video game Kickstarter the right way, and Mighty No. 9 will stand as a testament of what not to do. Shame, really because regardless of how good the game is (or not), it's legacy is tainted by the Kickstarter.
  8. Some of Syro's tracks are quite old, and that's only based on when Richard started playing them live - CHEETAH7 is similarly a track created some time ago.Sure, we know 180db is old, and I think a few tracks such as PAPAT could very well have been finished years ago, but my guess is that he was still finishing up XMAS and a few of the other recognizable live tracks in 2010-2014. I have not heard the full 10 minutes of that track in a live recording, but the last chunk of the track has a similar feel to some of the Cirklon/Circlont tracks, which I thought he said in the noizelab interview were recent tracks... What's your source for the age of Cheetah 7? Just curious about the timeline. I guess it depends on what you would define as "old" - 2010 was 6 1/2 years ago! And, as I said - we only can guess how old the tracks are based on when Richard started playing them live - they might have already been a year or more older prior to that. It really doesn't matter - there are tracks that are approaching 20 years old I still wish for a proper release someday...
  9. Some of Syro's tracks are quite old, and that's only based on when Richard started playing them live - CHEETAH7 is similarly a track created some time ago.
  10. Yup. Classic Aphex goodness. Probably the best melody maker in electronic music today.
  11. If anyone's interested in what fonts were used, the "Aphex Twin" script is Platinum Blonde Outline (the "T" and other glyphs have been altered slightly but the "A" is spot on as is other glyphs), and the "Cheetah" text is Busorama Regular. Blue colour is #16b5dd in HEX
  12. What? It translates to "Kolkhoznaya", which is the name of a train station in Russia. Considering his wife is Russian...
  13. Perhaps not surprisingly, Mega Man successor (not) Mighty No. 9 is having launch issues... Love the names the press is giving it: Shitey No. 9 Mighty No. 2 XBONE version delayed at the last minute, Linux/Mac/Steam versions still pending final certification, Kickstarter backers not getting their DL codes, or getting the DLC codes instead, getting the wrong code, etc. Worse even still is the "concept" gameplay video made in supposedly 9 days looks better than the final version.
  14. He actually said he would do something like that? When? I thought it was just an idea generated by watmm speculation when the flyer surfaced. I know Joyrex mentioned something about gear, but he said he was going to make his own soft synth and make tracks with it too? Hell yeah. My gear comments were in reference to the physical, not software. Truth in advertising? Never...
  15. Venus continues to astound and inform: http://gizmodo.com/the-atmosphere-of-venus-is-more-terrifying-than-we-imag-1782173357

    1. Brisbot


      I thought it was a toy t-rex at first

    2. Joyrex


      Naw dat doge tuff af

  17. All part of the plan, apparently...
  18. New developer diary on Hellblade: I must say; the visuals are stunning at this point - I can't imagine how much better they'll get by the time of release later this year.
  19. The coroner's report also said Prince weighed just 112 lbs at death. Poor guy.
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