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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. It was damn near perfect - the framerate, maps, etc. My only gripe was MP was pretty grenade-happy sometimes, but still a fucking solid game. MW2 was even better in some ways, and honestly that's where COD should have stopped.
  2. I bet more people will play the remaster than the fucking retarded main game. THEN they will sell it once this version hits the bargain bins as a separate game. Fuckers. Original COD:MW (made by original IW studio) was best COD IMO. ...until they realize people are willing to pay for it. Yeah, wait until this COD is in the bargain bin; they'll "bow to pressure" and sell it for 20 bucks or something. Fuckers.
  3. Battlefield 5 to be announced today. Yay, another FPS.
  4. That's not the cover - there's not one badger on it...
  5. Sadly it has come out that the day before he passed away, Prince was scheduled to meet a doctor for opioid addiction...
  6. Is that just his schtick, or is he really one-handed? Either way, props to him for having mad skillz
  7. Every character's stage 10 trial in Street Fighter V, done with ONE HAND:
  8. Already happening - they are creating a movie based on the "Hasbro Cinematic Universe" that includes GI-JOE, Transformers, and other Hasbro toy properties. are you serious? I mean it's cool that we have a ton of cinematic universes, but like... where is the originality :o Yep - even features my all-time favourite toys and characters from The Micronauts: http://screenrant.com/gi-joe-micronauts-hasbro-movies-universe/
  9. What if I'm a music-making noob looking for feedback but who isn't qualified to offer much more than "safe" etc. on other people's tracks? Surely you have (or can form) some sort of opinion?
  10. Already happening - they are creating a movie based on the "Hasbro Cinematic Universe" that includes GI-JOE, Transformers, and other Hasbro toy properties.
  11. Finished DS3, including that bastard secret boss - those in the know will know who I am talking about. The Ni-Oh demo is pretty damn good - they shamelessly ripped off Dark Souls, but I really like the theme and the visuals are well done. The Mirror's Edge beta was OK, but the game seemed more like an uprezzed version of the original. Thanks to PSN's Golden Week sale, I finally broke down and bought Darius Burst Chronicles CS - I forgot how hard the Darius games were. Beautiful visuals and music though. I also got Gravity Rush Remastered - I really like this game, strong Studio Ghibli vibe from the story/setting so far. Controls were wonky at first, but I am getting used to them.
  12. Zelda was delayed again to give them time to get the NX version ready. Nintendo supposedly decided to delay the NX to ensure there are enough games at launch. I think that was under consideration, but got nervous when Sony started talking about an enhanced PS4 (aka Playstation Neo) and whatever Microsoft is/isn't doing and wanted to avoid comparisons between the NX and whatever they do. I would wager that the majority of NX launch games are going to be enhanced versions of existing Wii U games - Zelda, Smash, Mario Maker, Splatoon, possibly a Mario game in the mix as well. I really hope Nintendo has a solid idea and platform behind NX, because unless they decide to go mobile-only, their hardware business is going to die on the vine a la Sega. Nintendo also announced that their next mobile games will be based on Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem, and will be more like pure games rather than social experiences a la Miitomo was. Miitomo has 10 million unique accounts now, according to Nintendo.
  13. I saw this this morning - pretty damn awesome, especially the removable inside parts.
  14. I'm a bit retarded I spelled in a previous comment "wattmers" instead of "watmmers". Why the posts only allow a limited number of edits? read the mf'n rules I read the rules already, but they do not explain "why" there is a limited time for editing only for members, they only states that but there isn't any particular explanation why There is a time limit on editing posts so people cannot go back and amend their posts long after the discussion has occurred. If you are EKT or EKT Plus, you have the ability to edit your posts indefinitely, with the understanding that you are not going back and "changing history". Many EKT folks use it to update threads they post about music they are working on, and instead of creating a new thread, they can simply update the existing one with new info. I expect and understand some other specific features of EKT or EKT+ memebers to be for paid, but not necessarily the time span in the posibility of post editing. And hosting prices use to be almost nothing With hosting, as with many things in life, you get what you pay for - when WATMM was on 20/month hosting, we had downtime, lost data, and constant nagging from the hosting company about exceeding their CPU limit/bandwidth thresholds. We are now on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) which allows us to do more for the community. Pretty cheap considering! There's also the costs of the forum software licenses added to the mix as well. Looks like she should be on RuPaul's Drag Race
  15. All the Warioland games are amazing... highly recommended.
  16. Catalog 3 obviously .... Drone 18 just gives me goosebumps every time, still no idea how they managed to merge that Michael Jackson riff what that Dire Straits vocal snippet Pfft. Some BOC fan you are - I'm still going through Mike and Marcus' baby monitor recordings circa 1972 they made. #trufan
  17. Yes, an instant classic - I would say it ranks third behind Geogaddi (you know damn well which LP is #1)
  18. Not to mention the bosses get an HP boost when you summon help.
  19. It's a bare arse, and isn't allowed by the rules. You're convincing nobody walking by your cubicle at work that it's a man's chest (or no big deal, especially if the viewer is a woman). The image was no big deal at all, and less for an adult and open minded audience. If it is needed to put a warning point just for a minimum violation of the rules, then it is a moderators choice that I don't personally share, but you can do whatever you want. In what sense could a grown woman feel truly affected by seing another woman naked butt, specially a beautiful one? some of you guys honestly considered that particular image sexist in any sense? Would you wear a tee shirt down the street with that image on it? I would wager you would not. Being adult and open-minded is not about exposing others who may find something offensive (after all, everyone's views differ) without giving them the choice. As for it being sexist or not - that wasn't my point, but I am sure some women would take offense in seeing a suggestively posed bare arse on a workmate's computer monitor. Some wouldn't - depends on the individual, your workplace norms, etc. As for warning points, they are temporary in some cases, and it is up to the mod's discretion whether to just give a verbal warning or assign a warning point, temporary or not.
  20. Amazing how he put those other guitar legends to SHAME with that solo...
  21. Com Truise's take on the Blade Runner universe would be interesting...
  22. Sad news... always wondered how long it would be after Michael Jackson died Prince would follow - growing up listening to their music and watching their videos, they always seemed (to me) intrinsically linked - almost like brothers in a way, even though they were polar opposites in many respects.
  23. Fucking Anor Londo... I kept getting this feeling of deja vu as I progressed, and once the area title came up... fuck me.
  24. It's a bare arse, and isn't allowed by the rules. You're convincing nobody walking by your cubicle at work that it's a man's chest (or no big deal, especially if the viewer is a woman).
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