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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Unless you are getting an 8GB Wii U for less than 100USD, I'd say spring for the 32GB option, get up to two free games, and not need to worry about it. Alternatively, you could get an external HDD and that would work as well.
  2. At least it would be a change from all the SAW 85-92 reissues. Well, to be fair, SAW II has been reissued as well - I was meaning a WARP reissue, with all the extra bits thrown in for good measure.
  3. Of course it would be awesome, yet the fact that SAW2 tracks only ever had fan-given names is part of the magic surrounding the album in my humble opinion. I like when artists take time to explain how a mythic album was produced but in this very particular case it just wouldn't fit. Oh, I agree - considering the concept of the album (where the images WERE the track names), he could have left them untitled as they were released, but sometimes it's nice to refer to something. Now, I don't have to call it CD1 Track #3 (UK) anymore! Has anyone compared these to the officially released versions, to see if they are longer/shorter, different in any way?
  4. CALLED IT! Even though I paid quite a sum last year for that original brown coloured vinyl version I'd still obviously buy this. Without a doubt. Let's hope this is what he has up his sleeves! Personally, I think we'll reach Mars before we visit a power station on acid...
  5. Nice that Richard finally sees fit to provide names for the tracks - I bet that's what was written on the DATs when he originally composed them. Wouldn't a SAW II Deluxe quad-vinyl edition, remastered from the originals, new artwork, track names, bonus tracks, etc. be nice? The mind reels...
  6. This crazy bastard beat Ludwig (one of Bloodborne's new DLC bosses) unarmed, using his bare fists! Still nothing compared to Lawrence, the First Vicar...
  7. Well, things get shifted, delayed, etc. Big gears turn slowly! LOL, such a specific date - we'll see, but I suspect we'll see MFM in some form or another in 2016.
  8. maybe.. (hold onto your conspiracy hats boys and girls). maybe ICBYD and MFM were written around the same period of time ... and share some similarities in sound and vibe ? MFM came after ICBYD - MFM tracks were the precursor to RDJA tracks (using computers more)iirc there weren't any computers involved with mfm always got the impression that's why mfm (and ab5) never got released. at that time they probably seemed a bit old hat once the PC got involved and HAB was released. I think you might be right - MFM/ABB5 were probably the last of the pure hardware stuff he worked on before HAB/RDJA...
  9. https://autechre.bleepstores.com/ Now open to all, with new items added!
  10. maybe.. (hold onto your conspiracy hats boys and girls). maybe ICBYD and MFM were written around the same period of time ... and share some similarities in sound and vibe ? MFM came after ICBYD - MFM tracks were the precursor to RDJA tracks (using computers more)
  11. Amazing fucking track - I hope he finds more ICBYD-era outtakes. [prev.] == previously Dat part @ 1:24 tho... beauty!
  12. Hmm, wanted to buy a Wii U for Xmas, guess it's kind of a bad idea then ? I dunno about that - there are a LOT of great games for the Wii U, and it will be interesting to see how long Nintendo supports the platform after the NX launches. That being said, they will be showing it at E3 in 2016 - I would be REALLY surprised if it came out for Christmas 2016. I'm betting 2017 (Summer) will be the launch window. Then again, if the NX is more akin to a PC-based console like the PS4/XBONE, developers might be able to ramp up and actually have decent 3rd party support for it by Fall 2016. Like Rubin, I bet the next Zelda game will either go exclusively to NX, or be like Twilight Princess, where there will be a Wii U version and an NX version - but, considering how integral the gamepad potentially could be in the game, what does that mean for the NX? Will it just be a super-powered Wii U with a gamepad too?
  13. Aye, with you on that - the boss on the beach (to avoid spoilers) or the reskinned Cleric Beast are making Elbitras look like a cakewalk...
  14. I have a theory on this game (I own it; my son and daughter play it for hours) - I think all the effort Nintendo went through making the 3D assets for the game is a precursor to a full Animal Crossing game for Wii U, probably announced at E3 next year. Of course, the more cynical side of me also thinks this was a blatant cash grab and vehicle to sell Amiibo (hint: it worked in my case; have all the US-released AC Amiibo, with Target exclusive Lottie coming in the post this week).
  15. Pfft. Easy. Steve Jobs (but got Woz to program it for him)
  16. been playing Dragon Quest VIII just recently but on PS2. it's a great game but slowing down cos Fallout 4 came out. Would love to have it on 3DS but i've already sunk in way too many hours to start again now. DQ8 is awesome. I never finished DQVIII. I got pretty far, I think, and then I started a new job and had to move and never got back to it. I regret that, because if I went back and tried to continue the game, I'd have no idea what was going on or what I need to do. RPGs are so hard to get back into after time passes. Likewise - I got as far as the first time you fight the main villain, and he soundly rekt me, and I realized I needed to grind more, but never went back.
  17. That for me was disconcerting at first - I had to check my phone and see if the track changed or stopped.
  18. Played a shitload of Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival this weekend - fun, and really, really deep. Can get a bit repetitive, and of course, you MUST have Amiibo to play it.
  19. I am really starting to like Garden of Delete - I put it on a whim on Apple Music while driving the other night, and at first I wasn't sure about it, but once it got to "Mutant Standard" it clicked for me.
  20. I've been craving some Mario Kart lately. I think I'mma have to call up my buddy and demand he has me over to play it. Cuz, ya, Nintendo makes solid games. Actually, I'm doing a Star Wars marathon with him shortly in preparation for Episode VII. I guess I'll just have to work in my need for Mario Kart before or after the movies. Curse his new busy lifestyle. lol. You can play online... I actually find the online (in a Nintendo game, gasp!) really solid, and surprised at how many people are still actively playing it. I'm well aware you can play online and have done so at my buddies place with people from all over the world with surprisingly low latency, strong connection, and quick wait times due to abundance of players. My problem is I don't have a Wii U or any Nintendo console right now. So I have to go to my buddy, who does have a Wii U. If I wasn't saving my pennies right now, I'd buy one for myself today. But I have something far more important to save up for. Wait until after E3 next year...as soon as any concrete info about the NX console drops, the Wii U will probably see a price cut to 150.00
  21. I've been craving some Mario Kart lately. I think I'mma have to call up my buddy and demand he has me over to play it. Cuz, ya, Nintendo makes solid games. Actually, I'm doing a Star Wars marathon with him shortly in preparation for Episode VII. I guess I'll just have to work in my need for Mario Kart before or after the movies. Curse his new busy lifestyle. lol. You can play online... I actually find the online (in a Nintendo game, gasp!) really solid, and surprised at how many people are still actively playing it.
  22. Went back to Mario Kart 8 with the DLC... damn Nintendo makes solid games.
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