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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Well, after the Kickstarter ends, we have to wait 2 weeks for the funds to clear, then the money will be sent to Rephlex, who will in turn pay the owner of the record, and then it will be delivered by hand to the studio in Essex where it will be ripped. After that, and some final QA by Richard himself (so I'm told), the digital files will be sent to me and I can then get the download vouchers prepared and ready to go - this is why I said "June" to account for any delays/snags along the way (and to account for how long things typically take). Once the Kickstarter ends, I'll be posting more definitive info, and perhaps a few surprises...
  2. Yeah, except if they wanted to save the Wii U, they need to put one of these Pokemon games on it, and not the 3DS. I just hope these use the X/Y game engine (they spent a lot of time redoing all the 3D models for the Pokemon in X&Y, so the game assets are mostly there)... Nintendo also announced a mobile app so people can watch Mario Kart matches on mobile. Whooopeee... They also said they were going to develop "new hardware" for markets like China... yeah, let's fracture your base even more, AND piss off your supporters at the same time by offering hardware some won't be able to get! Next they'll be offering games only for those regions... further pissing off their loyal customers. Hello, there's a shit ton of Nintendo games that never get localized outside japan. Wondering if they'll have time to cram in Pokemon Z before November. Also, Denpa Men 3 has waaay too much Animal Crossing, you got your chocolate in my peanut butter! That's a bit different, IMO - some titles are clearly geared towards Japanese culture, and just wouldn't work in a non-Japanese context. I've understood that for decades now, since the time I used to import Mega Drive games from Japan to play on my modded Sega Genesis console back in the late 80's/early 90's. I bet Pokemon Z will be a Spring release (if it happens at all) - by then people should be done playing the Ruby/Sapphire remakes. That, or Y2/X2 (Y2 or X2? Might be a cool sequel idea)
  3. Yeah, except if they wanted to save the Wii U, they need to put one of these Pokemon games on it, and not the 3DS. I just hope these use the X/Y game engine (they spent a lot of time redoing all the 3D models for the Pokemon in X&Y, so the game assets are mostly there)... Nintendo also announced a mobile app so people can watch Mario Kart matches on mobile. Whooopeee... They also said they were going to develop "new hardware" for markets like China... yeah, let's fracture your base even more, AND piss off your supporters at the same time by offering hardware some won't be able to get! Next they'll be offering games only for those regions... further pissing off their loyal customers.
  4. According to Kickstarter, Amazon Payments charges 3-5% per transaction - I don't think PayPal is that expensive (tbh I haven't checked recently).
  5. Granted, 270 million of that was R&D, and that's an operating loss - their net loss was 229 million. Still, get your shit together, Nintendo.
  6. I'd say Fez is easily one of the best games I've played in the last 5 years or so...
  7. I'm pretty sure there was an issue with PayPal withholding funds, not releasing them to organisers, I think that's why they do not support PayPal anymore. Oh, they did at one time? No wonder!
  8. I really wished Kickstarter supported PayPal... they probably have some sweetheart deal with Amazon - hopefully it's a limited-time thing, and they will eventually open up to other payment types. Perhaps there's something about how PayPal does things they can't use them for Kickstarter?
  9. Just to be clear, a pre-paid credit card is where you buy a credit card and load it up cash - so you could go buy one for the amount needed (however much it is in German currency). I hope that helps - can anyone that was in a similar situation offer advice? Thanks, Herr Jan! Hopefully that will help Marina
  10. Have you seen or tried the suggestion of getting a pre-paid credit card? It seems to have worked for others.
  11. just buy a ds3/4 you sissy you should already have one for emulating ps2 games What's a ds3/4? I have a PS2 adapter for my PC, so I can play with a PS2 controller. I just generally prefer K+M. DualShock 3 or 4 (aka PS3 or PS4 controller) - both use Bluetooth, so if your PC has BT, you can easily pair one up and it's hands down the best controller (although some would argue the XBOX 360 controller is better and works with Windows right out of the box). OK, so playing with a PS2 controller should be essentially the same. Other than the BlueTooth, I didn't notice that many differences between the PS2 and PS3 controllers. Yep - even better since it's a wired connection.
  12. just buy a ds3/4 you sissy you should already have one for emulating ps2 games What's a ds3/4? I have a PS2 adapter for my PC, so I can play with a PS2 controller. I just generally prefer K+M. DualShock 3 or 4 (aka PS3 or PS4 controller) - both use Bluetooth, so if your PC has BT, you can easily pair one up and it's hands down the best controller (although some would argue the XBOX 360 controller is better and works with Windows right out of the box).
  13. Nintendo releasing anything hardware-wise that would affect 3DS/Wii U sales would be suicide - and honestly this QOL thing sounds like the boneheaded stuff Nintendo's been doing recently, so I wouldn't be surprised if they do announce it and nobody cares.
  14. I have Mercenary Kings on PS4 - is it worth playing? I tried it and thought it was going to be a Metal Slug/Contra style run and gun, but it's more of a Metroidvania (urg) style game where you explore and backtrack... The fact they have to sweeten the deal with Mario Kart 8 makes me think they are getting really desperate...
  15. Hang on while I fashion you a tinfoil hat to go with your views. you should be on the red carpet by now mate, you sound like you know him but you don't I never claimed to - but for you to assume this was all part of some grand scheme... pathetic. Anyways, enough with the pissing contest - buy it, don't buy it - no skin off my nose (or wallet), so do whatever you feel you must.
  16. and be outbid by richard's clever machine. no thanks : ) Ah, yes, Richard's "clever machine" - you sussed him out real good, didn't you? Hang on while I fashion you a tinfoil hat to go with your views.
  17. i'd steal it anyway. i just don't buy digital files, i must be protesting every day, i never knew. i think i've maybe 20-25 vinyls of this artist in my possession, says a lot about my attitude yea Just because you buy some of an artists' releases does not justify stealing the ones you don't want to pay for (for whatever reason). If you're so keen to buy the actual release, wait for the Ebay auction and pony up the cash - that way, your money will be going to charity (which you seem to value), AND you'll own the actual release.
  18. And that's assuming all 2500 of each run were sold - I'd venture to guess there are unsold copies sitting at Rephlex HQ... What makes you say that? Almost any label has extra copies lying around... look at the Analord binder and the few who had issues - as a way of saying sorry, Rephlex included copies of Analogue Bubblebath 5 (!!) test pressings in with the binders - surely you don't think they had new test pressings made up (at their expense) just to say sorry, do you? If they have test pressings lying about, it stands to reason they've got extra stock of Analords and probably almost every Rephlex release in storage. Analord EPs each had 4-7 tracks each, the common number being 4.
  19. And that's assuming all 2500 of each run were sold - I'd venture to guess there are unsold copies sitting at Rephlex HQ...
  20. You can also buy a pan specifically for that purpose that has a handle on it.
  21. if you wear your flipflops, i'm in. i never make burgers inside. if i am making them, it's on the grill. You can do that on the grill as well - I keep a stainless steel bowl handy for just that (I also use grill presses for burgers - I find it keeps their shape more uniform and cooks evenly (and puts nice grill marks on the top at the same time).
  22. nice twist but it's 50k from the sale of this 'one' vinyl, for which without this sale... you can fill in the rest. looking for a share in the ebay auction 'as well', is it worth bringing charities in to it at all "heres' the last slice of my pie, but wait can i have just one more slice of that last slice?" – big fat face. I think you are mischaracterizing Richard/Rephlex and his/their intent: They had never planned on releasing this, and the seller (who is a friend, but is not affiliated with Richard/Rephlex) got permission from Rephlex to sell his copy on Discogs. Once I got involved and suggested the Kickstarter to raise the money the seller (not Rephlex) was asking for, Rephlex stepped in, asked the seller to lower their price, and between Grant and I figured out a reasonable price per person (and a realistic number of persons, having no idea how successful this whole thing would become) in order to ensure the Kickstarter met its goal, the seller got their reduced asking price, and the fans would get to hear the LP. Rephlex/Richard never approached this as a money making venture - originally, the only cut of this Richard/Rephlex was going to get was 1/3 of the Ebay auction proceeds (a suggestion I made, since this is Richard's music, after all and should be paid for it) - when people were wringing their hands worrying if they were going to get in the Kickstarter before the original proposed 600 slots were taken up, I asked if it was OK for it to be unlimited so everyone who wanted one got a copy - again, with no idea how popular this was going to become (honestly, I thought we'd barely hit the Kickstarter goal after 30 days, LOL). The fact it has exceeded everyone's expectations, and the fact that as of right now, Richard/Rephlex (or myself) has not made any statements about what will be done with the excess funds (other than the excess goes to Richard/Rephlex), does not mean the intent is to keep it - even if it is, why not? Again, I cite what Richard would have probably made in returns had he released this album (2-3000 copies) and the profit is probably far lower or at best in line with that. I see no reason Richard shouldn't be paid reasonably for his work, and that's not to say he won't turn around and do something unexpected (getting into Rephlex spokesperson territory so I'll leave it at that). It's unfair to assume (and call him/Rephlex "greedy") that just because this was successful they are not deserving of it. It's your choice not to buy it, but to go and steal it after the fact as some way to "protest" the "greed" involved is just wrong and doesn't say much about where your attitude as a supposed fan of Richard's music is situated. If you really don't want to participate as a way of protesting, I suggest you just ignore the whole thing (as you suggested) and let others who genuinely appreciate this whole venture do so without your sour attitude.
  23. $50,000 for one vinyl No, he's not getting 50K for one vinyl - the money he's getting is for the distro rights we are buying, and probably far less than what he would typically make from a more traditional release (after the manufacturing, distribution and other associated costs are factored in).
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