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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Sean Booth continues his 20 year run of looking like he's on the verge of mugging somebody. LOL, yeah - "I'll fukkin' cut you, ya daft cunt"
  2. Also, another reason to be a mad Wii U owner (although I can't help but say I told ya so): Rayman Legends (sequel to the supremely awesome Rayman Origins) was a Wii U exclusive, and set to release this month, but the money-hungry assholes at UBI Soft decided at the last minute to ditch the exclusivity (probably after seeing how poorly the Wii U has faired despite a strong launch) and come out with PS3/360 versions, and DELAY the Wii U version (it's a done game, in the can) until September so they can do a simultaneous launch. The devs are pissed, fans are pissed (well, perhaps not PS3/360 fans ), and the only thing to make up for it is a Wii U demo. Why not release it for the Wii U first, let the Wii U fans (and a few who might buy a Wii U for a decent platform game like Rayman) have it for a few months, then release it for the PS3/360, and perhaps even improve on the Wii U version? It will be interesting to see if the Wii U-specific features get dropped or somehow translate over for the PS3/360 versions... And, Dark Souls fans who haven't picked up the expansion, Artorias of the Abyss - it's half-price on PSN right now, only 7.50USD.
  3. Seems Gearbox never learns... although I think Duke Nukem was a poorly thought out cash grab on their part... they need to realize the stuff they're putting their name on damages their reputation and no matter how good the Boarderlands franchise is to them (which will lose steam soon if not already), nobody's gonna touch a non-Boarderlands Gearbox game if this keeps up.
  4. I was about to grab it the other day. Looks awesome. Is the 60 hour time including most or all optional things to do in the game? I beat the game around the 55 hour mark, and I didn't spend too much time grinding or doing side quests - I just beat the Colosseum last night, and all my main characters are nearing level 99. I'd say 45-55 hours is a good average for the entire story. I could see this easily taking 100+ finding all the familiars, etc. Nice. It sounds like there's a lot to do. I'm hoping the story reaches the same heights as the films. The story is great and touching, pure Miyazaki magic. Hmmm... sounds better than what the demo alluded to - I think we'll still wait for this to drop to around 30 or 20, like we did with both prior installments. Do you know about the infinite resources glitch? Apparently it takes the piss out of EA's micro-transaction scheme to monetize Dead Space by allowing you to get all the resources you need to craft whatever weapons you want. I haven't looked at how to do it myself yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's similar to the infinite node/credit glitches that were in the first two games, since it appears they are using the same game engine for this installment.
  5. There's some question to how much of the game is Gearbox, as the rumour goes they were brought in after the original developer made a right mess of things and GB was brought in to salvage the mess.
  6. Perhaps join the 21st century and use a controller? Or you know, I could just spend some more time getting the muscle memory instilled while saving some money. I just can't see how anyone could play a game created for a controller with a keyboard and mouse... and what's a PC controller these days? 15-30 bucks?
  7. Eh... Pffff where's your Modesty, gentleman. Prostitute Monkey Prime Minister Psilocybin Mushrooms PBreaking MRules
  8. does itunes have all the versions ? You mean the WAVs, etc.? LOL, of course not. iTunes Japan does have Keysoc, the exclusive Japan-only album track, and yes, you have to buy the whole album to get it - it's also been flagged "Album Only".
  9. Ah, some hope for those wanting it but Bleep get it's shit together: The "Album Only" tracks on iTunes can only be purchased if you buy the entire album - they just cannot be bought as individual tracks. Sorry for any confusion earlier! It's a dollar more on iTunes, but if you absolutely cannot wait for the fervour around Bleep to die down... I'm sure Sean and Rob wouldn't mind you purchasing another copy
  10. I told you guys this was something special! Autechre outdid themselves this round!
  11. Makes me proud the fervour over Autechre can bring a website to it's knees. Can you imagine what BoC or Aphex will do? Can you?
  12. You do know you're not getting three of the tracks, right? iTunes seems to have some limit on tracks over 10mins in length. It's also a dollar cheaper via Bleep.
  13. You can also buy it directly from Autechre's webpage (via Bleep): http://autechre.ws/exai/
  14. No, I literally mean (for me) Bleep is down - I keep getting a timeout when loading the site.
  15. Funnily enough, you can listen to sound samples of the 'album only' tracks... So the Bleep release contains all the tracks, correct?
  16. I think it might have to do with length... surely there's tracks over 10 mins available on iTunes? What about classical music?
  17. since Bleep is down, does the Bleep download include all the tracks?
  18. Interestingly enough, iTunes does NOT offer some of the album's best tracks for download: Name Artist Time Price 1 Fleure Autechre 4:51 $0.99 View In iTunes Irlite (Get 0) Autechre 10:01 Album Only View In iTunes Prac-F Autechre 4:19 $0.99 View In iTunes jatevee C Autechre 4:14 $0.99 View In iTunes T Ess Xi Autechre 6:43 $0.99 View In iTunes vekoS Autechre 6:41 $0.99 View In iTunes Flep Autechre 6:42 $0.99 View In iTunes Tuinorizn Autechre 3:40 $0.99 View In iTunes 9 Bladelores Autechre 12:19 Album Only View In iTunes 1 1 Is Autechre 7:17 $0.99 View In iTunes Nodezsh Autechre 8:40 $0.99 View In iTunes Runrepik Autechre 4:35 $0.99 View In iTunes Spl9 Autechre 7:06 $0.99 View In iTunes Cloudline Autechre 10:12 Album Only View In iTunes deco Loc Autechre 5:27 $0.99 View In iTunes Recks On Autechre 9:21 $0.99 View In iTunes Yjy Ux Autechre 8:24 $0.99 View In iTunes
  19. Click the lightswitch icon in the top left of the 'quick reply'/'reply to this topic' box There's also another icon on the far right - the little screwdriver with the gear - it allows you set the following options for the post editor: Paste as plain text by default Clear my saved content You might try mucking about with those settings and see if things work out better for you...
  20. I was under the impression Japanese releases often came out prior to the UK/US release dates, no? Yeah, you're right I think - I seem to recall both Geogaddi and The Campfire Headphase coming out prior to the UK/ROW releases...
  21. The Japanese version of Exai comes out February 27th (and has a bonus track exclusively for Japan)...
  22. Autechre and Boards of Canada are FEATURED artists that YOU picked BECAUSE they are the BEST. Unless you are joking, I think MORE people should be clutching their hexagon kaleidoscopes, more people should be crying in the streets for EXAI! This isn't just fucking music my friend and it's no where close to little girls screaming for Paul fucking McCarney. This is bloody IDM Music. Cream of the crop. It is like Christmas morning, BUT BETTER. So I will proudly continue to cry myself to sleep everynight until this leaks, thank you very much. Oh, the whinging about Exai not leaking is fine, it's the diverting into all this non-topic discussion and crap that's derailing the thread. Whinging about an album not being out soon enough or not leaking is a proud WATMM tradition! I wouldn't have it any other way.
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