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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Well, having finally heard the album, I must say i really, really like it - some great songs on here, and overall I think I like it better than the first two albums. Shame it's so short (40 mins total for 12 tracks).
  2. Perhaps I should have indicated my statement wasn't a blanket one, and didn't include everyone who found flaws with the film. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, negative or not. Personally, I never really cared that much for Alien (still a good film though, although Aliens is better than it), and I personally think Prometheus is better than any of the Alien movies, simply because it's focus is different. I finished reading the original script, and while there were a lot I liked better than the actual film, I think the ending was too predictable and glad the movie went the way it did. It would have been neat to see the other evolutions of the xenomorph weapon - especially the Holloway "ultramorph" with the human skull visible inside the elongated xenomorph head. Creepy.
  3. pretty much. I do the same with AFX, hence my comparison. not sure why you'd say this, JR, since we haven't really had any sort of look at what HL3 is gonna be like. it could be incredible, and knowing Valve's commitment to quality, I think it will be. Oh, I'm sure whatever they end up releasing (if they ever do) will be fantastic, but will it live up to the Half Life mythology among gamers? Not sure about that. Some games are great games... for their time. Make no doubt, they are (and still are) fantastic, but sometimes taking a classic game and playing it against contemporary games that have introduced new mechanics and ways to play, sometimes those perfect 'classic' games just don't work as well as we remembered them to be due to technology and progress marching along.
  4. Honestly, the Space Jockey in the original Alien had about as much to do with the film as the Xenomorph at the end of Prometheus has to do with it's film - I see Prometheus more as a "shared universe" film rather than any overt prequel. They're really telling two different stories, albeit with shared elements. I imagine the sequel to Prometheus will have more to do with the motivations of the Engineers than formally introducing the Xenomorphs - I could be wrong on that aspect, though. It would be the easiest route for them to take story-wise. I agree - I thought the "hidden Weyland" (sounds sorta nasty) thing was lame - why not come along, and have everyone aware of th fact, unless he was hiding from Vickers, and not everyone else...
  5. I have a feeling once Valve finally gets around to HL:3, it will be mostly forgotten except by the few hardcore, like Counterstrike: Global Offensive is/was. Good game, just past it's prime. Bioshock Infinite is starting to fall into that category, if they ever release the damn thing.
  6. I've been reading it on/off on the bus, and I must say, so far this might have been a better attempt at a "horror" version of Prometheus than the final result, which I consider a good sci-fi movie, but not a "horror" sci-fi say in the vein of the original Aliens. It's interesting too reading the characters (who, barring from a few gender swaps and additional characters) in the context of seeing how they were realized on-screen. FWIW, I still really enjoyed Prometheus, and still am baffled at the amount of nerd rage and hate directed towards it.
  7. Well, colour me interested - what song(s) were they purported having stole from? I personally don't buy into any of the media hype/"interviews" with these artists because unless you actually meet them for yourselves, I reserve judgement as much as possible. Personally I could care less about CC as people (they seem like a couple of weirdos), but that doesn't prevent me from enjoying their music.
  8. everything i know about this band is negative. including their muzik and fake attitude. i'm still waiting for when everyone realizes how fake they are And you know this for certain because...? I think they seem about as smug and fake as an angst ridden youth band can be but they take fake and smug to such a height that it actually becomes charming in a way. A rare amalgamation of turds and silver. So you to have either spoken to them directly, or have seen interviews with them to formulate this opinion...?
  9. everything i know about this band is negative. including their muzik and fake attitude. i'm still waiting for when everyone realizes how fake they are And you know this for certain because...?
  10. While Dead Space 1 was more "lonely", Dead Space 2 takes everything that was good about 1 and ramps it up. Can't wait for 3 to come out.
  11. disregard this...found an unpatched version of the exe online and this took care of the problem. Dead Space 2 is so pretty! I don't know if I like that i have to stomp on all the corpses to get the loot though....kinda loud and pointlessly gruesome You can smack the corpses after you pin them to the wall with a body part or Javelin Gun spear if you prefer
  12. Congrats on Journey! White Swan from what I read is similar to Journey, in that it's over way too soon. Still a surreal experience. Okami HD out on PSN today!
  13. Outland is amazing, and gets REALLY hard near the end of the game - have patience, and the impossible will seem possible.
  14. This...and no more living with a broken console game for 3-6 months while you wait for a patch to pass Sony/Microsoft's approval process. Yes, because this happens with almost all console games these days. Honestly, what are you on about?
  15. You mean Erez747's Trophy count - he caught up to me, exceeded me, and left me in the dust! Granted, I don't have much time these days to play games as much as I did... Anyone dig into the Dark Souls DLC yet? Planning on downloading that next week and see what they added...
  16. Singstar has gone free to play, and I guess Sony's hoping you'll play it and buy a few tracks for it...
  17. Thread should be retitled to "Super Cheap Ways To Fasttrack Diabetes"
  18. Since the old thread was said to load slowly, here we go again...
  19. so what youre saying is that Squarepusher is Lame General Midi Jazz? why are you here then? *Reaches over and turns on Frankie5finger's Troll Detector*
  20. Since the old thread was so large and obnoxious, here we continue on...
  21. Just a few more trophies to go on Casual difficulty before I finish Dead Space 2 (again) and begin the hell that is HardCore mode...
  22. Perhaps using the tag 'satire' would help the more clueless realize this isn't an official document... but funny nonetheless!
  23. Since the old thread got too long and took ages to load, we continue forth (think of it as a sequel, to use a movie metaphor).
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