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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. It's Square - pissing off fans is almost their company credo at this point
  2. Probably will end up as 4 games, 8 Blu Rays, and if they don't step it up, they are going to run the risk of having it on a legacy system (although the next PlayStation is already confirmed by Sony to be backwards-compatible with PS4 games). You would think once they have the majority of the art assets created from this game, the future installments will go faster since there won't be as much to create from scratch...
  3. Can you explain a bit more in detail? Not sure what you mean by status updates, unless you mean user's status updates? You should only be seeing that in the EKT forums/subforums - you're seeing it elsewhere?
  4. Fixed - I had unchecked every forum/subforum, and apparently the app takes that to mean everything ?
  5. Do you mean on the NEO·GEO X, or the Mini? On the X, the controller was a decent repro of the original, with the microswitches for the joystick and squishy, floaty buttons. On the Mini, no microswitches (on the cabinet controller or the control pads) and are awful to play with. The border is there due to aspect ratio... I would think it worse to stretch it out or cut off part of the screen... I'm starting to become interested in the remake... supposedly the first game (which takes up 2 Blu Ray discs) is only Midgard, which in the original was around 5-10% of the game. They've supposedly fleshed out the story and characters for that part of the game and so far from the initial hands on at E3, it's been worth the wait.
  6. Costly, but you can consider getting a hypoallergenic cat...
  7. I had one, and no, it's not comfortable at all. Purely a gimmick, and as I said, probably to separate it from the NGX. My biggest issue with the NG Mini was the games selection, and how the US release had different games than the Japanese release, despite the titles having come out in both regions. It's not like they couldn't have fit the entire AES/MVS library on there, but I guess that would preclude them selling limited-edition ones like they are now:
  8. Yeah, Atari is just a name these days - any semblance to the company from the 70's and 80's is long gone (and one could argue the Trammel bros. were responsible for killing off Atari long before it got bought and sold repeatedly). And $249.00 USD for that? That's absurd.
  9. I think a part of making it like a mini Japanese-style arcade cabinet was to differentiate it from the NEO·GEO X put out previously which was horrible.
  10. That was my fault - I had borked the WATMM Classic theme while making adjustments, so I defaulted everyone to Tomorrow's Harvest as a stopgap measure. You can change the theme via the link at the bottom of the forum page next to the Privacy Policy and Contact Us links.
  11. Animal Crossing: New Horizons looks great (knew it would get delayed into 2020):
  12. On the Tomorrow's Harvest theme? Do you have cookies disabled by any chance (I don't know if it's using LocalStorage or cookies to remember the theme background). If anyone is wondering what he's referring to, on the Tomorrow's Harvest theme you can change the default background image by clicking on the image icon:
  13. Makes sense if you think about it - they'd have to make new/update 3D models of EVERY Pokemon that's ever existed to support that...
  14. How old were you when you first saw the OT, and how old are you now/how much time has passed. Bonus: Did someone urinate in your breakfast cereal this morning
  15. I feel so... used... so dirty... had his way with me and zoom! Out the door onto his next conquest Didn't even kiss me goodnight
  16. I see your point - when I was adjusting the theme and noticed the six (lol) variations of member photo display classes, I wanted something that fit the theme (a lot of the edges are rounded that I've been able to get to so far). I'll adjust the theme now and take off the border and rounded radius and they should already have a transparent background - if not I will make sure the elements have that. Thanks for the insightful feedback!
  17. I genuinely LOLed at these, especially the superglue one
  18. Yes, that was our "Eagle in your Mind's Eye" video contest, and BOC themselves judged the entries and picked the winners, AND provided the prizes! New album soon? I would be very surprised indeed...
  19. WHAAAAAAT? Are you kidding? Meds Fade is one of the best openers to a Plaid album, nee any album in recent memory IMO! I am immensely enjoying Polymer, much more than the previous album (which was good in it's own right, but there are so many *great* tracks on this release).
  20. It's a curiously-named title, considering From's first PS2 RPG was Eternal Ring - I really liked that as it continued the King's Field (precursor to Demon/Dark Souls) style gameplay with an interesting ring mechanic.
  21. Wow, strong opinions - did a box with rounded corners (and a border) do something to piss you off in the recent past? Opinions I can agree that a circle for a profile photo is limiting, but I can't see how a 4px rounded box is "taking away creative choices" - what would you say would be the most fair? any height in proportion to the width and no border/corners?
  22. Ah! I see what you mean. I'll adjust. Sorry!
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