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Rubin Farr

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Everything posted by Rubin Farr

  1. Got a bunch of passes about to expire, gonna try to see Cloud Atlas again, Argo, and Skyfall all in the next week. also rented Cabin in the Woods for Halloween
  2. I will cry when Merle and Daryl are reunited, unless they declare a race war on T-Dog.
  3. Liberation Maiden is a pretty good portable game from Suda 51, but I wish it stated only right handed players stand a chance. Fuckers.
  4. Great article on Japanese developers becoming more xenophobic and doubling down on Japanese portable market. Nintendo is also taking advantage of perceived weakness at Sony and buying IPs that Sony can no longer afford or wish to renew. http://www.kotaku.com/5954740/why-so-many-games-these-days-are-japan+only
  5. You missed nothing is 5 or 6 except Dexter confronting his lack of faith, and Deb walking in on him stabbing Colin Hanks.
  6. Scott rarely does recuts, Blade Runner being the most famous. I bet this ver of Prometheus is it, maybe after a sequel they will do some super super box set ala Alien franchise. I thought the alt ending set up a sequel much better with fewer hanging threads.
  7. Iron Man 3 trailer. Hopefully not as ridiculous and plot-light as Avengers was.
  8. Great episode, glad they are making Rick an anti-hero, as this world is beyond saving or Dale's endless rumonations on morality. I liked how they just dropped the whole thing on the prisoners like "oh yeah btw the whole world ended." we're all fucked.
  9. Dr Caligari (crazy version not original)
  10. They actually made me give a fuck about Lori, like when will that bitch die?
  11. picked up Ed Wood and The Game on Criterion blu-ray a shame Fincher's legendary cinematographer Harris Savides died today.
  12. Yeah people ripped on it when I mentioned in the Blade Runner thread. Yeah people ripped on it when I mentioned in the Blade Runner thread.
  13. I read something about MS dumping the point system, but it would be a bit silly of them to just block people off from buying them until then. You could always just buy a code from one of those cheap MS points websites. That got debunked yesterday, I think. I ended up buying MS points via Paypal instead. MS Points will remain for Xbox, it's Windows 8 that will convert to cash sales. Fuck, even Nintendo now allows you to pay the exact cost of online software, fuck points!
  14. Perfect Pitch Oogielove The Brown Bunny Pooper
  15. ^ Yeah I saw that w my dad, who really likes historical drama, but it seemed to drag on, the audience gave off that vibe as well.
  16. I have to say the new Nintendo eShop is about a 1000% improvement over the Wii shop channel and DSiware.
  17. Prometheus (again) - 9/10 only a sequel will make it better The Proposition - 2/10 way overhyped, lite on plot The Road - 8/10 beautiful desolation Hey it's a Guy Pearce marathon!
  18. Apparently new Prometheus blu-ray ties story to Blade Runner. Hmm was this Scott or studio's idea? http://www.io9.com/5949685/blu+ray-extra-ties-prometheus-to-blade-runner
  19. Neil Gaiman writing a prequel to Sandman #1 for Fall 2013 http://io9.com/5925770/neil-gaimans-writing-a-prequel-to-sandman-in-2013?tag=sandman
  20. tried to resist Mario Kart 7 as long as possible, but I'm too much of a slut for that series.
  21. currently hooked on Denpa Men, kinda like Pikmin meets Dragon Quest.
  22. what the Hell is happening on Fringe? The timeline on that show has been twisted and erased so much no one knows what has happened and what didn't happen. Tryin to cram too much into the final 13 episodes. 2 weeks til Walking Dead!
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