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Posts posted by zkom



    Bush is going to be your next president, calling it now.


    the RNC is just going to throw ten pounds of shit in the air at the convention and see where it lands.

    I thought Jeb already dropped out months ago tho


    if the convention is "contested" they can nominate whoever they want.


    How can it be contested now? Trump has no-one running against him.



    To my understanding the delegates can basically pick anyone if there's a contested convention. Doesn't have to be somebody who is or has been running before. So the party big boys might try to nominate someone completely outside the group of previous nominees. Although, this would likely tear the whole party to pieces. It's going to be interesting.

  2. So, I'm finally in Minsk, Belarus. The visa was a bit of a hassle. Other than that no problems so far.


    Some notes:

    - Surprisingly clean and organized.

    - Lots of stalinist architecture. Some stalinist facades are hiding modern shopping malls behind.

    - Local alcohol is cheap. Even my hotel room minibar is ridiculously cheap.

    - Food is good and cheap if you like the heavy Russian stuff which I do.

    - My hotel has its own strip club, lol. But haven't tried it. (Also prostitutes in the lobby bar but I guess that's normal around here (haven't tried them either))

    - Not much sights to see. Maybe I'll go check Lee Harvey Oswald's old apartment tomorrow.

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