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Posts posted by zkom


    Developed feelings toward a friend and after we started hanging out a lot more and doing date-ish things (movies, sit down dinner, bars) i asked her out. She was surprised, said she was down, but i could sense some reluctance. Anyway, went on a date and to make a long story short, she wanted to stay friends.


    I'm pretty bummed because I was liking the idea of dating someone I already know but i guess it's back to the okcupid grind of trying to meet up with women I don't even know. This dating angst is kill me.


    Hey, dude. I was searching this post since I had something to tell' ya.


    I think we're similar in that context. But my approach has been to actually not try to conquer a woman. In fact, I mostly ignore them. I just focus on me, my passions, my life. And you know what has happened? Girls became interested in me. For some reason they love to be ignored. And that's okai since I really don't care about love atm, but it is nice sometimes.


    My point is that don't get sad or something like that, always focus on you and you only. Do what you love, do it well. Love will fall down like a gazing star in the least expected moment for you. I know.



    What if my only passions are mastubation and dank memes?

  2. Essentially yes. But also feel it's useful to have some idea of the process if I ever have to manage programmers.


    As a professional programmer I'd say it's better to have a manager that doesn't know how to program at all instead of one that knows just the basics. The process is completely different when you're actually working on a big scale SW project compared to some home tinkering or course work.


    To any aspiring software project manager I'd recommend reading the classic Mythical Man Month https://www.amazon.com/Mythical-Man-Month-Software-Engineering-Anniversary/dp/0201835959


    It's from 1975 but apart from some technological stuff it's still really useful. It boggles my mind how people managing SW projects still don't know the basics from this book.



    wow, that actually made me kinda tear up a bit to see just how original and unique of an artist he was even in his early days. this article is incredibly inspiring. thank you.


    What the fuck does this "incredibly inspire" you to? Become a loud obnoxious cunt to your neighbours?


    Read the whole thing again and replace any mention of Aphex/Richard with "David Guetta" or whatever. Still going "wow" and "tear up" at all the "incredibly inspiring" waxing lyricals and flowery language?





    Lol, if I had been considered a genius artist at my early twenties I definitely would have tried to get away with shit like described in the article.

  4. I remember downloading untilted as it leaked in on soulseek, all hot and anticipating what they would deliver in the watmm slsk chatroom...and the start of LCC had me think it was a fake, sounded like someone trying to do an autechre track on FL but then that boomy sound came in and then I knew it was the Auteshre.


    It's funny that Untilted is my long time favorite Ae album and I remember playing it to my friends way back then and playing it at work but I have absolutely no recollection how I got the CD.

  5. I currently spend lots of work time writing various automation and UI scripts for Raspberry Pi and the temptation to get one home for music making is strong, but there are so many possibilities I don't know where to start. A custom drum machine, a sampler, a sequencer, some weird ass digital synthesis thing?

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