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Posts posted by zkom


    I'm flying from Asia back to Europe and I developed a diarrhea last night. So, my stomach is making weird noises, I'm slightly nauseous and I'm pretty tired because I didn't sleep that well. But when I managed to sleep I had vivid erotic dreams so I'm horny as fuck also.



    Just fap through the poos


    Come out stronger on the other side




    Just bring some Gatorade

    I managed to get a transit visa to China so instead of waiting for 10 hours in the airport I'm now drinking beer in central Beijing.


    The stomach seems to have settled so far..



    tv licence? what is this shit?

    If you own a television, you have to pay a £145 licence annually for the privilege. Even if you don't, they try their damndest to get you to pay. They've now changed the rules so if you watch BBC television online, you have to pay.


    I do not do any of these things so I should not have to pay. At least, in theory, I shouldn't. I expect more letters soon enough.

    It's the same here.

    I'm not paying either because it'd be the same if I told everyone with access to the internet that they should pay me for being able to listen to my music - even if they don't. But the fact that they CAN means that they should pay me a monthly fee.



    In here it's now a tax that's mandatory even if you don't own a TV but it's based on your income so if you're poor enough (make less than 7500e per year) you don't have to pay anything. The highest bracket pays 143e per year.


    Basically it goes to maintain the government owned TV and radio stations and related internet services.

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