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Posts posted by zkom

  1. im getting the same vibes as when you thought you might miss school because of a snowstorm, but then you still have to go in anyway but some of your teachers arent there and you just had to study anyway.

    This time there's no toilet paper either.
  2. It's kind of weird that the work-rest cycle of 7 days is pretty much the same world-wide, except for some minor differences, and the whole thing is based on a Judeo-Christian creation myth. Is this really the optimal work-life balance? Can't we base this thing on science in the 21st century already?

  3. Again I don't think this is a first world problem, but there is no third world problem thread, so here goes.


    I've been having fever and diarrhea coming and going for the past 10 days. So, a couple of days ago I went to an international clinic to be tested that it's nothing serious. Now I've been tested for malaria, dengue, typhoid, amoebas, eggworms and all sorts of parasites with blood and stool samples. All negative. So now I'm just munching on antibiotics. Seems to be working slowly.


    Anyway, I'm glad it's not fucking dengue or some nasty parasites like amoebas but fuck this shit. Also testing was not cheap, hopefully I'll get most of the money back from the insurance.


    I'm assumming you  know about this beauty?



    Here is "Ascension" from the FFWD demo sessions (not recorded as Orbert). You can see why it wasn't included in the album because of all the excess noodling making it less ambient....but....what a tune.  It was ripped off one of Alex's radio mixes.  Enjoy.





    Oh, nice! Didn't know about this. Thanks!


    There's actually a risk that if you ordered before Brexit but receive the order after that you're going to pay both the VAT and the customs.

    you shouldn't be paying VAT on exports

    Buying things from another EU country is not importing or exporting so you pay the VAT but normally you wouldn't pay the customs.
  6. Isn't a lot of vinyl pressed on mainland Europe anyways. Prices will inevitably rise unless we get our own old plants back up and running (we probably sold all the equipment off cheap years ago though)

    This is about customs when buying from UK so that it's shipped to some other EU country. I used to buy most of my vinyl and books from UK and it was pretty straightforward inside EU (basically same as buying domestic) but fuck that if I need to clear customs for every order over 20€.
  7. What worries me about brexit is where will I order my records from? Shipping costs from the UK have usually been more reasonable than from Germany or other EU countries. After a no-deal brexit I would probably need to pay customs fees for them as well. I don't like it.


    edit: also pre-emptive sorry for the food and medicine shortages UK.

    I think I asked this already during the referendum in some other thread. Hard to see how webstores like Bleep will not be affected by this.


    Luckily I gave up buying physical..

  8. Seriously, if any Orbus Terrarum fan hasn't yet heard the "ambient supergroup" FFWD album they need to check it out now.




    FFWD is an eponymous album by FFWD - Robert FrippThomas FehlmannKris Weston, and Dr. Alex Paterson.


    For me it's probably the most psychedelic album ever released. It combines The Orb's Orbus Terrarum era style with Frippertronics and creates lush constantly evolving and mutating soundscapes where sounds and melodies appear like some dreamy hallucinations all with a very summery vibe. Like relaxing on a sunbed next to a lake while your mind slowly melts into bliss.




  9. Digging Yulquen but I think in general Amber hasn't aged that well, very mid-'90s Warp sound. Might be a good thing also fwiw. For me Amber and Incunabula are probably too loaded with memories to listen to them without recalling them and affecting my judgment.


    Chiastic Slide is kind of the turning point for me when Autechre starts to feel "timeless".

  10. Uri Geller promises to stop Brexit using telepathy





    In an open letter to the prime minister, the Israeli-British TV personality said he felt “psychically and very strongly” that most Britons were anti-Brexit and promised to stop the process telepathically. He wrote: “I feel psychically and very strongly that most British people do not want Brexit. I love you very much but I will not allow you to lead Britain into Brexit. As much as I admire you, I will stop you telepathically from doing this – and believe me I am capable of executing it. Before I take this drastic course of action, I appeal to you to stop the process immediately while you still have a chance.”

  11. Seriously though, the idea was that britain could implement more strict rules for immigrants to enter the country. And wishful thinking implied unwanted immigrants could be sent to the EU.


    I believe it was more about eastern european people coming to britain thanks to the EU btw. Instead of people from the middle east. Although, in populist politics anything goes.


    After Poland the biggest source of immigrants to UK is India. Then it's Pakistan, Ireland, Romania, Germany, Bangladesh, Italy, South Africa and China. https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/migrants-in-the-uk-an-overview/


    I thought in general it was relatively easy for people from Commonwealth countries to move to UK compared to rest of Europe? So that would be the reason why UK has so many immigrants from places like Jamaica, India and Pakistan compared to other European countries?

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