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Posts posted by zkom

  1. On 6/6/2019 at 8:14 PM, user said:

    Makes me never wanna go back working for a place that has a hr department to start with. Ugh.

    I'm starting to think that recruiters are worse than used car salesmen.. Some of them are just out to get a quick commission no matter how well or badly the people they are recruiting actually fit the job. For some reason in-house recruiters don't seem to be much better than the subcontractors even though one would think they are more accountable for the people they recruit.. Job hunting, bleh.

    Also I need to get some kind of apartment and I have no fucking idea anymore what's going on with my relationship status thing or whatever.

    At least I don't have time to think about midlife crisis things now that I'm turning 40.


  2. I don't know how new thing this is but I've ran into it just recently that people in HR and recruiting don't call job interviews any more job interviews.. It's getting fucking ridiculous.

    So, occasionally recruiters contact me saying "would you like to come for a little chat in our office" or "how about a small discussion about possibilities in our company" and "it's not a job interview just a friendly discussion". Possibly followed with a bunch of emojis.

    I'm a freelancer without clients or commissions with plenty of time so why not, get some free coffee and have a chat. But when I get there.. yeah, it's a fucking job interview. There's maybe someone from the HR and some manager sitting behind a table with their laptops open and my CV or LinkedIn page on the display. Notebooks in their hands.. "Do you mind if we take notes?" And then they start by giving some presentation about their company and after that bombarding with questions about what I've done before.

    Then it ends it with either "sorry, I don't think you're suitable for any of our positions" or "I think we'll be moving onward with you, but there's two more rounds of interviews and you need to provide a sample of your work". And I'm left thinking  "wtf, I didn't know I applied for any position".

    I don't really mind being called to job interviews but just fucking call it an interview if it's an interview and not an informal discussion. Thank you.

  3. I like MoT better than Oversteps. But the problem is that I liked both of them instantly.. It's kind of hard to explain but they are too obvious for Autechre album/EP pair. But yeah MoT I like a lot actually still even though I don't listen to Oversteps that much anymore.

    Also MoT is kind of rougher release and Oversteps is too produced? I'm not sure how to put it into words. Like MoT has rougher edges or something that makes it more interesting on repeated listens.

  4. 20 hours ago, azatoth said:

    While shlocky and badly written at times, I can appreciate it as a very slick looking show and having classic sci-fi tropes and went all epic and crazy. 

    TNG has to be the best looking and most aesthetically pleasing sci-fi show there is. The visual design is just spot on and the look has aged very well.

    • Like 2
  5. 57 minutes ago, plugexpert said:


    Dunno about the devs tracking dogmas,  but I think available development time is the reason you wont see that soon. Taktik has shared juggling multiple projects on more than one OS plus a family. Being the sole programmer at the moment he picks his battles wisely. I wouldn't mind stuff like that but would rather see more nerd stuff, moar pattern commands ?.


    Loop point modulation, plz.

  6. I've mainly used Renoise for quite some time now. Maybe about 10 years? Before that I used Buzz and FT2.

    12 hours ago, GetSquirrely said:

    i always recommend people interested in trackers to download amiga mods to see how the oldschool guys pushed so much sound out of 4/8 channels and a few hundred kb worth of samples.

    Yeah, there are some good tricks from the past that are still useful but Renoise has really pushed the envelope (teehee) so far ahead some of them have become a bit outdated. For example the small memory footprint "chiptunes" of the past provide some ideas but Renoise instrument editor adds so much tools on top of the old FT2 instrument editor that it can be used as a subtractive synth with customizable multilayered waveforms with it's own separate sequencer, automation and fx chain..  

    • Like 1
  7. I wonder how many more people would drink coffee regularly if they got constipated.


    I used to eat a lot of spicy food at some point in my life. Each meal had eye watering amounts of chili. Which also meant that I had to go to poo quite often with some fiery stuff coming out of my butt. Then when I quit eating all that chili unsurprisingly I got constipated because my stomach wasn't accustomed to such mild foods.





    Technotronic was the very first electronic or dance music I ever really remember hearing when I was a kid, so I'll always love it (the whole album is classic). My brother bought it (on vinyl coz it was the 80s) and would completely rinse it. I found a copy of it in a second hand vinyl shop once but it was wrecked. NVM.



    Come on that's a quality tune.
    OK but it's really quite dated. Ergo cheese.
    Aside from the vocal treatment, it sounds like a lot of what's trended in electronic/pop music over the last 10 years. So, dated in a way that everyone's trying to emulate now. It's the vid that brings the cheese really. Classic track.
    And the video doesn't even feature the actual singer..


    You can see her in this video though


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