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Posts posted by zkom

  1. Loved Illuminatus! in my early twenties. Read it a few years ago again. Idk, it's a product of it's time.. I wouldn't call it "good literature" but it's entertaining at least. Maybe it now works again better with all the post-truth shit going on? It's really an amalgamation of conspiracy theories written into a novel form with some Timothy Leary style psychology and Discordian philosophy dropped on top. Compared to some of Wilson's other books the Leary fanboyism doesn't come through that much though.

  2. remaining at this point would just be fucking annoying. i cant even deal with having to read brexiteer media frothing at the mouth at how its a flagrant insult to the will of the people for the next fucking 5 years, and blaming every single bad thing that happens to britain on remaining. i want no deal now, just so we have a chance at reform. 


    I also hope this would be over soon but any way this goes the shitshow will drag on for a looooong time.


    Extension -> more of the same shit that's going on now

    No-deal brexit -> all the fallout and renegotiating the trade deals which can take years

    Canceling the brexit -> more of the same shit that went on before the referendum

    May's deal -> all the political fallout of this, possibly UK's major parties break up and/or new elections?

  3. Let's not forget that any delay needs to unanimously approved by all of the 27 remaining EU countries. Any single country can veto the delay. For example Italy or Hungary may try to extort the rest of the EU to get their own demands through by threatening to veto the delay.


    Good luck with that..



    By myself in Singapore on a business trip atm... Thought it would be a super fun adventure, but it's kinda lonely as I don't know anyone here and I'm just walking through endless malls and food courts and taking taxis to tourist areas. Right now I'm sitting on a bench in the middle of a downtown busy area, people watching and just absorbing the city lights and sounds, ambient music rings through out the countless high rises and swirls around. There are so many high end stores, it's unreal, obscure fashion from paris and Japan... Gucci/lv stores everywhere I go. This place makes LA and NY look trashy. I just want to put on some Basinksi or 2 8 1 4 on headphones and close my eyes.

    Nice, I'm actually pretty close by in Jakarta atm.


    Try going to China Town. They have some excellent food and it's not so clinically clean there. Also when I was in Singapore I stayed in Geylang, which is by Singaporean standards "a bad neighborhood".. actually really peaceful. You can find some frog porridge shops there.


    Then there's the Haw Par Villa theme park which gets quite interesting..


    Oh nice are you there for travel or business? Jakarta seems interesting. Thanks for the tips there, didn't have a chance to do much as it was a lot of work stuff in the day and super tired after each day haha, but did get to see some cool things. Clinical is a good way of describing Singapore, but it has it's charm and everyone's very nice. Fascinating the taxi driver told me that he sees more people come for business travel than leisure.


    It's funny I'm usually into trying to new foods but I just couldn't get into it there, no matter what I tried. My favorite moment was a surreal light/music show at Marina Bay Sands over the river, and they were playing a Sakamoto cover. Totally mezmorizing.



    I'm here for travel, this was the cheapest place to fly to in Indonesia from Cambodia. To be honest I would rather be in Singapore than here, but as this was my entry point to Indonesia I decided to stay for a few days. My plan is to continue overland to the east end of Java and then by ferry to Bali. After that I really don't know.. Anyway, I've got a plane ticket from Kalimantan to Malaysian Borneo but not sure I will use that, it only cost around 19USD and I needed some kind of of proof of onward travel so I bought it mostly for that.


    I think I'm slowly becoming Asian. Sun was shining this morning and I was annoyed by that. Why can't it be just nice and cloudy so I don't burn myself? lol


    People in huge tropical metropolises like to hang out in malls for a reason.

    Because they're public places with air conditioning.



    Yes, and the air quality is way better and the noise levels much lower than outdoors and no horrendous traffic. Try having a peaceful outdoor stroll in a place like Jakarta..

  6. listened to some NTS sesh while on acid and it turned my room into some kind of abstract moving

    comic complete with the printing errors. and the sounds were like honey in the ears.

    Nice thing is that if you play the whole of NTS Sessions it basically lasts for the duration of the trip.
  7. By myself in Singapore on a business trip atm... Thought it would be a super fun adventure, but it's kinda lonely as I don't know anyone here and I'm just walking through endless malls and food courts and taking taxis to tourist areas. Right now I'm sitting on a bench in the middle of a downtown busy area, people watching and just absorbing the city lights and sounds, ambient music rings through out the countless high rises and swirls around. There are so many high end stores, it's unreal, obscure fashion from paris and Japan... Gucci/lv stores everywhere I go. This place makes LA and NY look trashy. I just want to put on some Basinksi or 2 8 1 4 on headphones and close my eyes.


    Nice, I'm actually pretty close by in Jakarta atm.


    Try going to China Town. They have some excellent food and it's not so clinically clean there. Also when I was in Singapore I stayed in Geylang, which is by Singaporean standards "a bad neighborhood".. actually really peaceful. You can find some frog porridge shops there.


    Then there's the Haw Par Villa theme park which gets quite interesting..


  8. I'm not an expert either but to my knowledge also when a public administration inside EU is looking to purchase some services or products it has to be opened to public bidding to any company within EU and they need to choose the cheapest option available.


    In a socialist economy the government owned business (if available) would provide whatever is needed and that's it.


    But yeah, I'm talking about really old school, hardcore socialism. In a "pure" socialist system there is no need for things like basic income because everybody gets a job automatically from the government. In Soviet Union it was actually illegal to be unemployed. 

  9. What kind of socialist policies would go against EU law?


    I find it hard to believe there's anything worthwhile that's not possible. 


    Nationalizing industries and preventing other EU nations competing the said industries by banning imports I would guess?

  10. I was being guilted this morning about not having a fb account because supposedly I'm missing all the important family information, which for some reason nobody bothers to send me personally. Because this was like the first message I saw when I was waking up I got a tiny bit angry and basically questioned the whole idea of the family communicating only through a single fb group and everybody who's not a member is just forgotten. I asked if people are not actually anymore bothered to contact each other personally instead of just making announcements on fb and if the whole family communication is reduced to just a fb group.. 


    It's kind of interesting because I used to think that the extended family I have on my mother's side is actually pretty active in each other's lives because most of them live like within 50km radius and I was isolated by distance mostly but it seems that in reality they just fuck all communicate with each other unless somebody bothers to post in fb.


    Let's see what's the fall out of this..

  11. If you're supporting old school socialism then I guess EU would be you're enemy because it's more like a liberal capitalist project with maybe some welfare state stuff and controls over business thrown in.


    Well, unless you're master plan is to turn the whole EU into a socialist union..

  12. I guess I knew that the UK politics were a bit convoluted, that's in any country I guess, but the Brexit has really revealed how totally fucked it really is. I thought the politicians were at least somewhat competent or something for a western European country of that size.

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