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Posts posted by zkom

  1. Evolution programmed us to fear death, because, well, those who didn't fear death were less likely to live until they could reproduce. So I think it's pretty natural to fear death, even though it may be irrational since we're all eventually going to die. Fighting the survival instinct that's buried so deep in our brain and genes with logic is kind of hard.

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  2. I just realized that Blade Runner and Koyaanisqatsi came out the same year (1982). Both have that similar gritty, dystopian vibe before the 1980s turned corny.

    We can make exceptions for Aliens and Akira though, although the latter had corny dialogue in the English dub.

    From the same year also Death Wish II, The Dark Crystal, Conan the Barbarian, First Blood, The Thing and Tron. All have a kind of early 80s grittiness. Even fantasy movies were kind of dark and brooding when you compare to later movies like LotR.
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  3. On the upside of all of this, the whole Brexit-thing might make for a great British comedy show / self-mockumentary sitcom in a few years. 
    I can already imagine the dark sarcastic eccentric surreal humor and (in)competent naive absurd over-excited strong-willed characters. 
    Honestly can't wait for it. 
    It's gonna be so good. 
    It's just.. how the fuck are they gonna top the reality? This is beyond parody already.
  4. Lol at the whole thing again. Every time I think it can't get more absurd it somehow manages to do it.



    Boris Johnson has sent a request to the EU for a delay to Brexit - but without his signature.

    The request was accompanied by a second letter, signed by Mr Johnson, saying he believes a delay would be a mistake.

    The PM was required by law to ask the EU for an extension to the 31 October deadline after losing a Commons vote.

    EU Council President Donald Tusk tweeted that he had received the extension request and would consult EU leaders "on how to react".

    Opposition MPs have warned the PM that if he tries to circumvent Parliament's instructions to seek a delay, then he may find himself in the law courts.

    Mr Johnson previously said he would "rather be dead in a ditch" than ask the EU to delay Brexit, and the UK would leave on 31 October "do or die".

    Hours after losing a crunch vote in a historic Saturday session in the House of Commons, the prime minister ordered a senior diplomat to send an unsigned photocopy of the request for a delay, which was forced on him by MPs last month.

    I bet half of the EU leaders have been facepalming the whole night and the other half getting drunk.

  5. On 10/17/2019 at 7:16 PM, joshuatxuk said:

    When I minored in music history I took a course on popular music from around the world, and one of the first lectures broke down the long, complicated and messy history of the term "world history" that emerged in the 1980s, when the term as it was used by experimental / avant-garde western musicians incorporating non-Western styles and instruments was quickly co-opted as a music industry "genre" and aesthetic, commodified the way 'new age' was. A lot of it is hit on in this video.


    I was kind of thinking about this and I guess this thread is not about the "world music"- i.e. music made by people who are not from the culture their music is stealing drawing inspiration from but instead authentic music from various locales which I guess is better. So, I posted a couple of tracks that are authentic local music for local people and not primarily sold as exotic music to other cultures.

    But coming from a "non-english speaking place" I started to think what I would post here from my country and the idea started to feel stupid. What is my native music? Finnish black metal or IDM or any of the thousand different genres made in here? The thread started to feel like it implicates that the music can be divided into two distinct sets: "our" music and the world music which somehow is not in the same continuum as the music from the anglosphere but is always experienced as the exotic other.

    Finally I got too deep into the analysis of world music, cultural influence, sampling, post-colonialism, etc and now I'm questioning my own tastes in music and even possibly how I've made some of my own tracks.

    So, I guess I'll fuck off and here's a song from my native land


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  6. Yes, what I mean I won't be moving to UK until this issue is solved. I might consider to move there after the Brexit and when the status of EU citizens living in the country is clear.

  7. lol I don't think there's any reason not to take job offers, or react with incredulity if they are offered - sure things will all work out one way or the other. we (the british) just like to moan a lot... ignore it.
    Well, I'm not going to move somewhere if it's unsure if I can actually stay there more than a few weeks..
  8. The new Brexit deal vote is in a few hours. Going to be a close one.

    A recruiter also contacted me and tried to hire me for a job in UK. I wanted answer "are you fucking serious? wtf?" but ended up being a bit more polite.

  9. Signed a contract for a pretty sweet gig from December to July. The benefits are the worst I've ever had, but the pay is good and the best part is I can do it almost 100% location independently. Just have to show up at the office once or twice a month. So I can basically just fuck off somewhere far away and then come back for the occasional monthly or bi-monthly meeting. I'm thinking something like working a few weeks from Barcelona or Athens..

    Also this contract and the previous have been more of a match to my actual degree which is applied mathematics and not just the usual code monkey grind, which is nice.

  10. A lot of religion is about praising the powerful, and that used to be normal like 300 years ago or whatever, but its a bit outdated now, praise is now mostly for children or pets. So praising a superpowerful deity is odd, in our time. I am left thinking "What sort of deity needs to be praised?"
    That's what I've found weird about monotheistic religions since teenage years. The god is supposed to be an omnipotent and omniscient being but yet he goes pestering mortal people and insisting they worship him. What does he/she/it gain from that? Is the god just a massive egotistical asshole?

    Also why does my phone's autocorrect know words like fist fucking but not asshole?
  11. 23 minutes ago, Candiru said:

    Doesn’t Squarepusher get high by drinking Earl Grey tea and thinking about music theory?

    Yeah, I'm sure Mr Pusher never touched any of that devil's jazz tobacco. (Disclaimer: I really don't know).

    To my knowledge AFX, Autechre, BOC and Luke Vibert are at least pretty well established in this regard. And when it comes to Ceephax, well..

  12. 1 hour ago, david1806 said:

    Hi zkom.... As someone with little experience of ambient, my tuppence worth is....what's there certainly sounds ambient and chilled, I just didn't find too much of it. I really like the main harmony/chords used. Though the track didn't seem to change much through the five minutes. I'm a big believer of tracks, whatever genre though especially instrumentals, of having that beginning, middle and end - the "journey" as it were. Some kind of vocal, spoken maybe, and ambient rhythm loop too? But the basis is there for sure...

    Okay, I'll stop now!!!

    Thanks for the comment!

    I think I know what you mean by a journey, a kind of narrative in the track which makes it feel like a story. I certainly like that kind of ambient also, The KLF's Chill Out being one of my all time favorites. But I'm really into drone ambient at the moment so I'm afraid there isn't going to be much structure or rhythmic elements in the next few tracks, lol.

    Structure in ambient music is a kind of interesting topic though that I don't think is that much talked about, at least here in watmm. Eno's first ambient album was, although melodic, pretty much an aural wallpaper, but starting from 90s there seems to have been a more kind of structured ambient movement also (like the aforementioned KLF and also FSOL and The Orb). Anyway, people have different tastes.


    If you're curious I made a more structured and rhythmic ambient release some years back you can check out here https://vuovuovuo.bandcamp.com/album/border


    jfc it's been 5 years..



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