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Posts posted by zkom

  1. I've also had the kind of experience that girl says she only wants to be friends, and then when I moved out of town she got angry. Then when I started to push the issue she went absolutely crazy, denied that she was interested in me even as a friend and told me not to contact her anymore.

    If you're interested then fucking send some signals or at least don't go out of your way to say you only want to be friends. Geez.

  2. 9 hours ago, Brisbot said:

    I've gone through periods like these, where I think I've over an artist or a genre. Then I try it again a few years later and like it again.

    I was going to make a joke about getting back to gabber, which I used to listen back in my teenage years, but then I remembered I did attend several hardcore/gabber parties a few years ago.. :facepalm:

    • Farnsworth 1
  3. I realized I'm completely over the psydub/psybient phase I had back in the early 00s. I haven't listened to Shpongle's Divine Moments of Truth, which I used to play almost daily, for years. So decided to give it a listen for nostalgia's sake and how it sounds to my ears now. Can't even finish it..

    Meanwhile The KLF's Chill Out sounds still fresh. I think ambient is the genre I've been listening for the longest time and still do.

  4. The writing on this show is starting to get a tiny bit unrealistic for me.
    Yeah, ain't nobody in the future gonna believe this shit actually went down.

    But how is it, if Boris can't get enough ministers to his cabinet are there going to be new elections or what?
  5. On 7/3/2019 at 11:40 PM, T3551ER said:

    Fascinating (had no idea). Sort of makes it all even more ironic, as the hospital I work in is in the ultra deep south right wing evangelical area where you would probably be lynched for being gay much less flaunting said gaiety in a drag show. . . 

    Irony can be pretty ironic I guess. . . 

    You could try to get this printed on a hat and wear it at work


  6. I've been traveling for the past 11 months and tomorrow I go back to work. :facepalm:

    Honestly though I don't know how I feel. Is this a success or problem? Anyway, need to make some money to travel more and it's only a four month contract and seems like a pretty interesting gig.

    Also when I started traveling I quit my previous job, gave up my apartment and started alone. Now I have a job starting tomorrow, a new apartment starting July 19th (until then I can stay in an apart hostel all company paid) and a new girlfriend I met on my travels. The problem is that they are all in different cities.:cisfor: Let's see how this shit converges or does it just end up in a total fucking chaos. :psyduck:

    Just now mostly nervously laughing at how the things are.

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  7. On 6/23/2019 at 1:35 AM, Zephyr_Nova said:

    I finally encountered what's popularly referred to as a "neck beard".  I was delivering a Subway footlong to the gentleman in question, who indeed had a lush beard which covered only his neck.  He also had a wispy moustache, strikingly incongruent with the fullness of the hair upon his neck.  He lived in a basement suite too, just like the meme said he would.  Anyway, he seemed like a very nice person.

    It's always weird for me when I meet somebody who completely embodies some stereotype. It's like meeting a mythical creature that you thought doesn't actually exist.

    Pointless thought.. I've noticed that cities and towns have a kind of character or personality I like or dislike not depended on how good the place seems on paper. A bit similar to people. Some people have the same taste in music, political views, interests and so on but I can't just get along with them because the personalities don't match. But some people have completely different taste in music, opposite political views and no common interests and we still get along fine.

    It's the same with towns and cities with me. The public transport may be good, lots of good restaurants, record shops, cafes, bars but something with the place's character is that I don't like. But another place might lack all the "good things" and I still like it. Some kind of gut feeling how the place just feels, a town personality or character match or mismatch.

  8. To me most of the early albums and also MoT and Oversteps are pretty summery. Some are though maybe night tracks, like rew(1) is a hot summer night with a red Lamborghini getting assembled and disassembled while it's cruising down the city streets.

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