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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. Great. Connection to the Soundcloud account? just speculation but it sounds like future tuss. great album for charity too
  2. key word presumably. i cant see how something can have a feeling and not be conscious what's not empirical about pet videos? if i can watch a video and say it is evidence supporting animal consciousness and someone else can too, that is empirical. i found it interesting when i got jury duty and they taught us about this term "threshold of proof." in criminal cases the charge must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, but in civil cases it only needs to be more likely true than not true (shockingly). it seems like you are trying to bring an astronomical threshold of proof into this
  3. you ask me if cockroaches are conscious i'll guess yes but then i entertain the possibility that everything is conscious. i think humans can only sympathize so much. they run out of energy and patience to empathize with every fucking thing. especially when it's hard to extrapolate the nature of the mind in question. it's easy for a human to deduce the mind of another human. many other species also demonstrate minds with aspects recognizable to us. then there are the cockroaches. it's hard to imagine what it's like to be one. doesn't mean there isn't somebody in there. what if you could feel someone else's feeling? how could you prove that you felt their feeling? if you could prove that then that would solve your zombie problem wouldn't it? but if it's you feeling that other person's feeling then it's your feeling isn't it? even if you really were absorbing their feeling through their aura, hypothetically, since it is you processing that feeling through your mind, it is technically your feeling and could never be said to be the other person's feeling, even if it did come from that person! did i just prove a faulty premise in that zombie problem?
  4. just like you can read a person and narrow down what they are feeling and thinking to an often high degree, looking at an animal you can often discern the feelings at play. if they feel then how can they not be conscious? who would be doing the feeling otherwise? this is evidence. when there are 20 signs exhibited at once that correlate to a distinct feeling which is corroborated by the circumstances, i think the skeptic's last ditch is to suggest that maybe the entire universe is a simulation.
  5. if we make a matrix and make idm with our minds, i bet cats would make some great stuff
  6. Story in CBC about a tiger befriending a goat in a Russian zoo with footage of them Please post gifs, videos, stories, etc
  7. in contemplation of these solemn events i'm playing noyzelab/sc modular collection i assembled, and it's great! uploaded it for anyone interested
  8. you're saying you trust the internet? the internet is full of shit quite often! question everything, man, not just the mainstream media.
  9. delet i watched the video. am i supposed to believe that isis is america now? delet i get the impression that you think i should be more skeptical. how skeptical are you to believe that isis is a proxy of the us? what is the evidence? i think you are leaping to conclusions like the incredible hulk.
  10. still magnetized in front of my speakers with this. im intimidated by the amount of stuff to familiarize myself with,i keep just going back to krakow, but i see why they did it and fully appreciate it. for one thing, it showcases the improvisational abilities they've developed. i hope this is an impetus for the electronic music field to move in the direction ae has, and possibly to encourage the people involved in HD MIDI to get it out. it seems like such a gip to me that there is so much potential in vsts in a daw but it all depends on midi and its horrible resolution, without using inconvenient and cluttering work-arounds. maybe if more people are moving to max-msp so they can achieve these lush paramater changes the midi people will see the potential of going in that direction. clearly there is a lot of inertia to change midi as it is entrenched in so many devices and products in its current form
  11. when did cylob play these? they're sick but ya sound like the rome stuff, but those should totally be released idk, i got that from someone around here
  12. was listening to some live stuff apparently unreleased afx from a cylob set. we are in for some shit when he starts sorting it all out some more meanwhile, triple d is great. organ follows it amazingly
  13. this is a new level. people talk about wanting a studio album. sure, yeah, those are good too. ae live strikes me as one of the most significant releases in music, period. they dramatically reinvented what an instrument is and this is the final product on display. utrecht is like being in a different universe for an hour. the performances feel more like hour-long pieces than collections of segments, and there are recurring motifs i've been noticing which substantiate the theory (that evil bassline from 47:30 in krakow makes an appearance a few times earlier, somewhere around 15 - 22 minutes, though filtered differently). whats going on and the quality of the sound, coupled with the creative vision of the aesthetic and composition... yes, autechre. this is what music is for
  14. morning tour pls maybe at native american reservations so we can imbibe ayahuasca
  15. entering a new phase of syro appreciation. like its new though im familiar with layers of it. still so much to really notice and appreciate. getting monitors helped. hearing the continuity of bass frequencies in xmas eve, its a very bass centric song, and common consumer speaker setups lack the flat transition into the bass zone. the album sounds better on other speakers now too, like it was reset in my mind. there's just so much in there. earth portal is ridiculous
  16. different now. 8:57. you belong to me [afx edit] [90]-edward 'get down' crosby, [written by groove II groove] [GD104].mp3
  17. ohhh. now i get it. i was wondering what is the point since they can sell digitals on bleep already. this would explain it and i bet thats it. cutting out the rigamarole of putting something out, but not doing it on bandcamp. give them their own-sub site so they can log in, upload some shit, set the price, done. beautiful.
  18. I have heard patience is it's own reward... i have heard that reading the thread, or at least the last page or two, is its own reward
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