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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. just want to say thanks richard for the sc. amazing thing. made me think of learyan re-imprinting as described in cosmic trigger a few times.
  2. Really good doc. I've been going through a lot of HBO's older drug documentaries on HBONOW lately -- lots of good stuff there. If you can watch PBS shows in Canada, I'd also recommend the Frontline episode "Chasing Heroin". yeah, ive been looking at old hbo documentary just today. In the cape cod heroin doc, so sad the two girls that died. The little stripper was so cute, cant believe she died. frontline just did a 2 hour thing called chasing heroin (watch here). it follows some addicts like the cape cod one but it gets into a bunch of other aspects to the problem.
  3. she was head of the state department when the massive world-wide sanctions where organized against iran. even china and russia agreed to them, which was amazing. this was after iran refused to swap their enriched uranium for prepared nuclear fuel rods for no good reason. these sanctions brought iran to the negotiating table and got them to allow un inspectors in, something nobody would have expected to happen. she was also head of the state department when israel halted contested settlement development in both the west bank and jerusalem at the behest of the us government for the sake of negotiations with palestine, another thing that nobody expected to actually happen. i believe she was also head of the state department when the new start treaty was agreed to between the us and russia, an agreement to diminish the nuclear weapon stockpiles by a huge percent. just off the top of my head. i expect i'll have to flesh out the list more as time goes on
  4. i dont see what's wrong with hillary. i see a lot of vitriol against her online but the specifics of it is generally insubstantial or marginally significant. the emails and the bengazi shit was plainly empty. very reminiscent of the kind of undeserved antipathy received by president obama. not hard to imagine where it may be originating, psychologically.
  5. delet, what websites should i check out to de-brainwash? seriously, please. give me a long list.
  6. a trump presidency would be unpredictable. putin, who is always looking to direct attention elsewhere, might try one of his chess maneuvers, seeing if he could extract a mistake out of the newcomer, like he did invading georgia for no reason right when obama was taking office. the syria conflict is already bad and dangerous enough. consider that most armed conflicts are begun inadvertently, by a mistake, misunderstanding or miscalculation, and then consider this partial list of the dynamics going on in syria: - syrian civil war between free syria army rebels, among other rebel groups, against oppressive and brutal assad regime - isis claiming territory amidst the civil war - foreign powers fighting isis - turkey having an overlapping conflict with the iraqi kurds - turkey shooting down a russian plane because they wouldnt heed turkeys request to not fly through their air space - russia mobilizing propaganda that links nato with terrorists - saudi arabia having overlapping tensions with iran, both of whom are operating in syria - putin saying he's fighting isis but really mainly bombing the rebels the united states had been supporting - assad gassing his own people even if he calmed down trump would be a tremendous liability. sound judgement is what he has been consistently demonstrating himself to not have. bernie is putting up a good fight, but at this point the numbers are starting to make it look like he won't get it. hillary has tons of super delegates in the bag. after iowa she had like 300 delegates and bernie had like 10. they split the delegates from new hampshire, despite the votes making it look like bernie won... apparently they're splitting the delegates from nevada, which was the state that i thought bernie had the best shot in in the south. i could be wrong but i think we're seeing the limit of his movement and momentum
  7. 11.22.63 > the people vs oj simpson someone told me the book 11-22-63 was awesome
  8. a tweet i found striking from bernie the other day
  9. nasa will be sending out a light sail craft that will reach 64,000 mph that's really fast. the voyager 1 was the fastest man made object for a while, going 38,000 mph. a couple other craft surpassed that record since, presently the record is held by the juno craft, which is going 384,000 mph. for a craft not using fuel, 64,000 mph is amazing. the mass is less than 12 kg.
  10. bernie wants to address the income inequality and money in politics which are two of the major and fundamental problems. probably 3 supreme court judges will be chosen by the next president and bernie said he will only select those who will overturn citizens united. the republicans are so bought and paid for by big oil that they're allowing the climate to be destabilized. this may go down as the most wreckless act of man in history. people will try to talk shit about socialism but social security is socialist and that's a resounding success. same for medicare and medicaid. the 2 car garage golden age of america was helped along by a 90% tax on the rich. capitalism isnt magic, wealth inequality is accelerating at an alarming rate. 62 people have as much wealth as half the world's population, and that's down from 300 people a couple years ago. when you're rich you pay people to turn your money into more money. there is only so much value in the world and its gravitating upward. obama has been walking on egg shells for numerous reasons but bernie doesnt give a fuck, he will humiliate the republicans, call them out and not let them get away with their shit he also might bring enough people out to the voting booths to reduce the amount of republicans in congress! as much as i like to let them make fools of themselves to hasten their complete destruction, it would be nice to not have their gerrymandered majority
  11. i was saying they should get out of a clown car but that was better
  12. someone said obama is reptilian. i feel like its true.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ambermonk


      Then that makes Trump a cnidarian.

    3. KovalainenFanBoy


      somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me

    4. Bechuga


      Was this person David Icke

  13. Do you know about brine shrimp??? http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20151217-the-tiny-creatures-that-flew-to-the-moon-twice-and-survived edit: sorry, my point being, yeah you're right. There are creatures out there that defy our conventional view on survival etc. yeah thanks that's a better example, stuff can survive and hibernate in space, and look at how every heavenly body is covered in craters, stuff gets knocked off planet and into space all the time. it's very likely that life didn't originate here, and it could be incredibly common. complex life only started evolving in the last quarter of the earth's life so far, the last billion years, because of the atmosphere or something before that point. there were 3 billion years before that when there was just simple life. basically as soon as the earth was formed there was simple life, right off the bat. that's nuts. if there are chunks of rock all over the galaxy with seeds of life... the point is we're late in the game. the sun is a second generation star, it formed after another star blew up, out of the supernova remnant. there were stars in the first billion years of the universe, right now we're in the 14 billionth year. space could be teaming with advanced life.
  14. i hear people saying things like "there must be aliens out there but where are they? maybe it means they destroy themselves" and it sounds ridiculous to me. neil degrasse-tyson says some single cell organisms in antarctica or somewhere were thawed out after millions of years and they were still alive. also he says stuff like that gets knocked into space on boulders by asteroids, meaning the panspermia thing is real. so if life is that common, i dont think they're all destroying themselves. its entirely possible humanity could evolve to be space faring and survive for millenia that way, advancing. its not inevitable we will destroy ourselves. so my point is, the question remains: where are they? seems like the some possibilities are: they are doing the star trek thing and respecting us primitives, allowing us to evolve on our own interstellar travel really isn't that possible/practical, even if you science for a million years they keep to themselves to avoid predation we're a repugnant species in the eyes of a truly advanced one, they dont want to interact with us they're so different they dont care enough to interact with us
  15. the intern - surprised at how much i ended up liking it. 20 minutes in i thought it was dreck and turned it off. put it back on to put me to sleep one night and ended up seeing why deniro did it, and the point of the movie, and liked it, though im sure many wouldnt like it that much.
  16. is this disclosure i, for one, welcome them
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