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cloud capture

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cloud capture

  1. he's still streaming ppls hangars, not sure for how long http://www.twitch.tv/lirik
  2. was just watching a guy streaming pre-alpha footage of Star Citizen. Open world space sim. Built on cry3 engine. He just has access to the ship he bought($300) and his hangar. It looks pretty nice. Coming out fall 2014. The gfx detail is redonkulous.
  3. Tornado watch until 4 a.m. Going to try and sleep some with getaway gear on In case I wake up to Tornado sirens.
  4. watched this earlier and decided to re-install d3. Blizzard's animations are beautiful. [youtubehd]Cb7QJwQ58T0[/youtubehd]
  5. I bought a technics rs-t9023 stereo double cassette deck at goodwill for $4. It was a shot in the dark because there was no power cord. I purchased a power cord and plugged it in. Power is on, everything looks good. I put a tape in, press play, the tape rotates a quarter turn and stops. Same thing when I try to rewind/ff. Same in both decks. Check tape with small handheld tape recorder and it works fine. Anyone good with old tape players have an idea of what could be wrong?
  6. a buddy & I both purchased borderlands 2 during the steam summer sale and have been playing through the co-op story. It's a pretty badass game. Up to lvl12 now and the guns choices are great.
  7. the lone ranger-Disney throws a lot of $$$ out there which means great movie for me for one reason. Being stoned and wanting to see beautiful cinematography. A+ for that.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwsqFR5bh6Q oh my
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFtOmbQ5fbU'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFtOmbQ5fbU
  10. skyfall Cinematography & music is beautiful. I really enjoyed this movie.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=aceuaYKC8lI'>
  12. Currently playing Firefall open beta. Have only played a couple hours. Only way to explain it would be a Tribes Ascend sandbox MMO. But that is just my first impression.
  13. I would ride the camel while grabbing handfuls of side meat and smashing it into my face
  14. you sound more green fingered than me, i'm just getting into it when/if i have time. :soiled high five: This is my 3rd summer at it. I'm kind of lucky, the rhubarb patch, apple, & pear tree have been there for 100yrs from when my great-gramps came over from Norway and settled. The rhubarb pops up bigger every year, and seems to move around some. The soil is also very rich, so as a beginner I had a lot of good to work with. I'd like to invest in some outdoor speakers. It's crazy how electronic music goes so well with getting ones hands & feet in the dirt. I always seem to accidently rip my earbuds out pulling weeds or something. No bigger pain than trying to get that back in with dirty hands.
  15. my strawberries and rhubarb are gone for the season. Right now i'm picking spinach/romaine/basil daily before it gets too hot and goes to seed. Waiting on tomatoes/peppers/eggplant/squash/melon. My back hurts.
  16. the crimping on that crust looks beautiful. I make a lot of pies. hope the bday was great. cya
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