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cloud capture

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cloud capture

  1. grew up addicted to the mmo format starting with ultima, everquest, swg, wow, darkfall. This game will probably be amazing but as I've aged most mmo mechanics have become very tedious to me. Still, pretty impressive announcement trailer:
  2. I've been checking in on the eagles daily. Their eggs never hatched and after a week or two passed the due date the eagles finally deserted the nest to their nearby roost for vacation. If you go back about 45 minutes from the live video at the time of this post you'll see some nervous ravens come to eat the eggs. Pretty humbling reality, I guess that's nature, either that or the eggs would've been buried right there in the nest over time.
  3. Miami rave culture in the mid/late 90s seemed very open to whatever you represented yourself as. We didn't really have this cornucopia of pronouns, so I'm sure if I delved into the information and tried to discover what I am by today's standards, it would be a deep rabbit hole I'd go down. I'm thankful I grew up in such a culture rich time/location. I can't imagine all the hurdles the youngins must be dealing with these days. I wish all well.
  4. just started playing Sons of the Forest. I have a buddy that's been looking forward to it and played a ton of the original game. So far solo-play is pretty fun and spooky. Great survival/loot mechanics if you are a fan of that genre.
  5. live cam of these crazy ass eagles incubating eggs in a blizzard
  6. I've always bought pretty cheap bt earbuds because I only use them for hiking/walking/workout and I'm afraid I'll break them easily. The only problem I've had is the bt reception cutting out when my phone is in my pocket and I'm trucking it up/down a hill in the woods or something. Is this a non-issue with expensive bt buds? Or will I always have this problem?
  7. I had a friend named Bud, he had the best setup for goldeneye. He had 2 separate Nintendo's/tv's linked and we'd have 2v2 tournaments. I think we always played in the temple map? And the only rule was nobody was allowed to use Oddjob. I remember it was basically a weekend party with lots of beer/weed, but the focus was goldeneye.
  8. 24/7 AI generated tv sitcom called Nothing, Forever, started running on twitch: Apparently, this has been in the works for years? I'm pretty high and just tripping out. watchmeforever - Twitch
  9. cool to see some China spots. Loved the music/editing. Never heard of the last guy but he goes.
  10. @5:50 one of my favorite music moments. This whole album is kind of insanity, but I treasure it for this break, used to try and wedge it in to mixes.
  11. I had to do an oral report in culinary school sometimes around 2003-4, so I just brought in a bunch of gear to pass around, and played gantz graf video on all the monitors in the classroom. It was an easy way to keep all the attention off of me because everybody was glued to the screen with wtf looks on their faces. It was a pass/fail thing and I passed, but remember being pretty proud that I pulled it off.
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