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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. Bought System Shock 2 on Steam for a buck. Very fun, my first play through. Kind of a pain in the ass at times and I restarted my character a few hours in because i wanted to redo my stats. Very frustrating when you accidentally set off security cameras. After trial and error, i think i've finally gotten a grasp on what this game wants me to do: hack and conserve ammo, don't treat it like a shooter and use wrench for weak enemies. Game is way ahead of its time also. What ever happened to complexity in games?
  2. Really want to watch more stand up comedy but find a lot of comedians to be fairly uninteresting. Post your favorites, and bonus points if you attach a youtube video of good bits or full length specials. Thanks
  3. Glass Armonica invented by Benjamin Franklin
  4. toplel DJ Stream of Consciousness
  5. Dug around for high quality samples and the best i could find were two 30 second "demo" samples to a sample pack that doesn't exist anymore http://www.waterphone.com/samples.php
  6. Nightcrawler. Very disappointed with this movie, although Jake's performance was stellar it isn't enough to carry an otherwise uninspired and uneventful film. Also, the music took me out of the movie literally every time it came on, especially, at the end. It almost felt like those videos that replace original movie score with something completely different to fuck with the tone. That being said, it would have been a much more interesting movie if it had less music and maybe something very minimal and nihilistic, like Andy Stott, to bring out a much darker atmosphere. Who wouldn't want to see the main character film dead bodies with this music in the background?
  7. I have too much bulky gear for my tiny desk. Thinking about setting up everything on the floor...
  8. This is definitely the underlying problem, a woman shouldn't have to wear a hijab just to feel safe. Even in normal non revealing cloths they're still being harassed
  9. For some reason complete strangers come speak to me when I'm outside. In general this is pretty rare in Finland, especially here in the north. Couple of my friends have this theory that it's because I look so unthreatening. This summer some guy I've never seen before just biked next to me and started suggesting that I come with him to his home to smoke pot. This was during daytime on Sunday. What the actual fuck. I have the approachable face too, its been referred to as "toilet face" meaning people usually ask you where the toilets are. However I would call it "map face" as it usually ends up people asking me directions. I take this duty of the mapface very seriously and endeavour to give people directions, in some cases even walking them there (only if I'm headed in that direction anyway). The flip side of this though is sometimes I make them up as I can't stand to not have an answer. My screwed up mapface should tell them they could be being sent in the wrong direction though. dat mapface
  10. Birdman. Honestly loved this movie. Great fast paced dark comedy edited to look like one continuous shot throughout (although there were points where you could tell they made an edit.) Great group of actors. Said a lot about critics, superhero movies, theater, family, and sense of purpose after your prime
  11. Holy shit, i get this exactly. I think it has to do with the fact that you're in a somewhat vulnerable position with your back turned to everyone and anyone could basically come up and bash your head against the wall. Of course, i don't think this will actually happen, I think it's my reptile brain making me feel defensive when i don't have to be.
  12. The duality in this song is unbelievable. Such a good beat but such a bad rap. Soulja boy, you've been rapping for 5+ years, show something for it
  13. Lol, this reminds me of when you buy some new thing as a kid and another kid who thinks they know everything keeps on saying you should've gotten something else. I guess not much changes
  14. Worked all night at the mall building the santa kiosk. They had a 3 minute ad loop playing with very audible audio the whole night and the security guard said there was no way to turn it off. Even though the PC it was running on did an automatic restart at 4 in the morning. Fuck the mall
  15. Spending $65 for a $7.5 million dollar return... sounds like a good deal
  16. This is so horrible, i can't even put it into words. Just stay as far away as possible from this person
  17. Lol at the people in the comments section who think the "have a nice day" guys are innocent
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