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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. I like your awkwardly angled "trying not to touch her amazing bum" arm. lol you kinda look like Ronnie from jersey shore
  2. lol i was just about to post this. can't watch it until after work but i'm sure it looks great I don't really get what this movie is trying to be. Drama? Comedy? Dramedy? Avicii biopic? Probably just a movie to inspire thousands of 18 year olds to make mediocre dance tracks at 128 bpm. Hoping for it to be a brilliant spoof on DJ culture
  3. I remember watching this doc a while ago. Kind of a tragic look at the industry, but at the same time, all these men are happy so to each his own i guess
  4. Watched scanners last night. I really wanted to like it because I like a lot of David Cronenberg's other work but this really fell flat and felt very amateurish. Like, the acting was terrible, the story was a little incohesive and the pacing was pretty terrible. Of course the head explosion scene was really great but the film pretty much blew it's load in the first 20 minutes. Idk, if anyone can explain why this film is considered a classic, it'd be much appreciated.
  5. yeah basically my job at this point is 50% "wander around looking for food in dumpsters" and 50% "try to complete ambient trax before mall / university security kicks me out" haha, this track sounds sick. You just busted it out real quick on a uni computer?
  6. Damn FB...I've been deactivating my acct at least once a year, but I just can't bring myself to six it completely. Very rarely have I got any reason to post status updates, but at the same time it's the best option I have in keeping in touch with everyone in life. Facebook is really sneaky by the way... the official "how to delete your account" section in their FAQ only mentions how to deactivate your account, and tells you to "contact them if you want to delete it completely"... but there IS a "delete account" function in facebook they don't mention! What cunts Anyway, if you actually delete it, and manage to not log in in 2 weeks, there'll be no more coming back and second guessing You can always make another account
  7. Definitely. Devoting time to it is a no brainer cuz you aren't going to get anything done, or get inspired if you're not putting in the work. I feel inspiration comes from messing around and not expecting any masterful results. Also, sometimes you can just get some musical busy work out of the way. For instance, I make all my synths in Ableton's simpler but this requires me to tune each one and often times i put this off so it's impossible to get my chords to sound right when the synth is out of tune. Getting your chords down and your midi files how you want them really speeds things along as well
  8. If you want something done right you gotta do it yourself. after I turned 18 I took all my shit so i didn't have to worry about my parents loosing it
  9. I have a lot of time but am too lazy to make more music, I really want to but i don't want to feel like I'm forcing myself. Maybe I should try learning more self discipline and structure my free time more effectively
  10. Huh, how does that work? Investors keep throwing money at it to keep it alive? many startups do that for years Not just startups... Amazon runs at a loss as well. I can safely say I learned something today. Actually many things. great vid
  11. interesting- but they choose myrtle beach. i mean, really? obviously they knew they were going to get some unpleasant reactions, otherwise why not conduct that same social experiment in tega cay or edgefield? likewise, had they tried something like that in santa monica how many people do you think would've even noticed her? still, pretty cool look. i like he vaporwave colors Yes, location location location. Honestly wouldn't think twice if I was in the city and saw someone like this walking around
  12. Got a new shit phone from AT&T and after using it for a day i found the keyboard on it to unusably small. Gonna need to return it but theres a $35 restocking fee. FUCKKKKKKK you AT&T
  13. haha, this is great. Kinda miss the xbox live chat
  14. scanner darkly fucking rules Really don't understand how Linklater is such a hailed director. Watched Slacker recently and felt pretty bored through most of it, very repetitive with no substance
  15. I'll do it for free. Wait, what kind of wine are we talking about? If it's this - I'll pass. lol, looks like their marketing to kids
  16. Prove it. If a movie about my real lyfe was made, it would actually be a pretty funny sitcom.
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