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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. Such a good doc must see for ambient fans, even if you aren't a fan of Eno (but how can you call yourself an ambient fan without liking eno?)
  2. Another hidden first world problem is watching the oscars
  3. I've heard that everyone has dreams, you just don't remember them. For instance, you can have a lucid dream where you're aware you were dreaming but then forget you ever had the dream. There are ways to increase dream recall, like waking up and instantly trying to remember what you dreamed makes it easier to recall
  4. I mean, if it's not a busy street and you have a bunch of music gear you need to lug back to your apartment, i don't see a problem. although considering parking seems like a hassle then it's a busy street
  5. Watched Badlands by Terrance Malick last night. Didn't really get a lot out of it, acting was bland and the story was pretty predictable. Guess this is one of Terrance's more conventional movies. Kind of disappointing because I need to write a paper on Malick and this gave me nothing to chew on
  6. Lol, your neighbors are whining, street parking is not exclusive. Edit: unless they constantly need to carry heavy shit to and from their car and it'd be a lot more convenient for them to be closer but even then, you can't just reserve a spot for yourself and if it's really a problem you can just double park for a bit
  7. Dark comedy where a struggling funeral parlor plots ways to kill old people in their area to increase business.
  8. Do what I do, don't bother asking women out. I do it because I have no self-confidence and they apparently don't like that in men. Let the women come after you. If that happens, there must be something that they fancy in you. Down with the patriarchy! Eh, i've already been doing this for too long, it actually feels pretty good taking the initiative. I mean, if i never even asked i'd just be in the same position I am now
  9. Had the same thoughts about this film, everyone loved it and I really wanted to like it but i felt like it was very surface level and didn't really have a lot else going along. I guess it was trying to be minimalist. And I'm not going to judge a low budget movie better or a high budget movie worse.
  10. I honestly don't know if it's better to take a chance and take a hit, or not bother at all in order to avoid damage to ego. My FWP is general silent frustration with humanity today. Facebook news articles are largely littered with irrational if not ignorant comments, and in person I see some form of selfishness or bravado in public behavior almost daily. I guess chaos is inherent to humanity. That or I'm just tired and grumpy. Honestly glad i gave it the good ol' college try because i hate being left with that "what if" thought
  11. Double dose of rejection from 2 different women. Sometimes just wish i was asexual
  12. Damn, i get this a lot as well. I usually look pissed off or overly serious because i squint a lot especially in the sun so people think I'm mad when I'm really not.
  13. I want to go hiking but its raining. Although i guess its good that it's raining because California's in a drought
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