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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. Don't know if this was already posted but found this which he used to sample
  2. I love how she's holding a beer through that whole thing, classic
  3. Ya, samples that you use get that weird sort of familiarity because you must've heard them over and over again
  4. Holy shit, that song is so boring but he's so into it. Better music:
  5. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, what? you heard me. the music is great yo Stuff of nightmares
  6. They're making a Tetris movie. Seriously. Lol, i was jamming out hard on tetris and my brother can in the room and told me this. Just realize, someone pitched this idea to some producers and they liked it I play Tetris almost every day. I run an emulator of the original since I dislike most versions beyond it. What emulator do you use?
  7. Your birthday will be the first day of the rest of your life
  8. Playing a shitload of tetris although i want a good downloadable version cuz i hate all the ads on tetrisfriends. Thinking of maybe running the original with an emulator Shadow of the Collasus. Very fun, beaten 3 bosses so far. Sometimes it feels a bit clunky tho Tie Fighter. Played a bit, basically beat X Wing years ago( except for the extremely hard B Wing levels.) Feels almost identical to X Wing
  9. The derpy blond guy on the couch is James from Twin Peaks! That guy is the king of derp. Anyone know the origin of this video? Is this twin peaks? never watched
  10. Dear Zachary: A letter about his father And i thought the American justice system was fucked... extremely sad/10
  11. Ya, double albums are kind of a bitch. Only one that warrants its run time is Stars of the Lid- And their refinement of the decline, imo
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ26DMkMFks
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMq20iLz178
  14. About That Life is borderline unlistenable. Makes the Attack! Attack! song seem like a masterpiece And why are metalcore singers all of a sudden trying to act like Gucci Mane?
  15. People act so strangely to cameras, or they're all in the mob and extremely paranoid
  16. Me every single day. Thats kinda why making music with hardware feels liberating because your less likely to be distracted
  17. He just wants to take girls out for a nice time
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