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Danny O Flannagin

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Posts posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. I'm quite tall and my natural walking pace is much faster than most peoples', so when walking alone I inevitably catch up with whoever else is walking in the same direction and have to slow down and wait for an opportunity to overtake. Despite how often this happens I still never seem to quite twig how dodgy it might look until I'm a few strides behind them. This has led to a couple of recent instances where I suddenly realise it must look like I'm shadowing some lone teenage girl. No I'm not stalking you, you just walk annoyingly slow you little shit

    I'm normal height and still walk faster than most people. WALK WITH PURPOSE DAMMIT

  2. Been curious to see this, Keaton always turns in a good performance, and he's been all over the late night TV circuit promoting it, saying it doesn't flinch at the ugliness of this man at all.  Funny to hear MK stories of starting out on the Mr. Rogers Show in the crew, and how they were all absolute stoner ex-hippies.



    So its like the Social Network except with McDonalds


    Godspeed! That takes balls.



    God takes your balls for speeding.


    Well, back when I started I told myself, "this is just temporary". And now it's almost three years later. Anyone who has been unlucky enough to remember some of the stuff I've posted in the FWP thread will know why I did it.



    Was there a breaking point or more like a "I'm definitely quitting at the beginning of 2017"

  4. So I did one hit of really good LSD yesterday and I had a strange experience, I want to see if any of you have had this sensation. I was in a fairly large group, 7 people, and the dynamic would shift pretty frequently, people would wander off now and then but we stayed as a group for 90 percent of the trip. 


    I had a weird sensation that there was an 8th "mystery" person in the group that I couldn't actually see. Like, they were right behind my shoulder. I never saw this person, but instead just felt their presence. It didn't really freak me out but I kept looking for this person. This might have been a side effect from the small moments when the group wasn't whole and I would sort of keep my eye on everyone, idk. 


    Anyways, just wanted to see if I wasn't the only one who has felt that. I don't want to call that extra person "god" or "jesus" or anything spiritual but I'm still trying to work out who that person could have metaphorically been. 

  5. ^ Bech, BL2 is one of the only games (ever) that I can just play over and over again. It's a ton of fun, I think I've finished it 3 or 4 times.


    I can't wait for BL3 someday =O



    Played & finished Kane & Lynch 2 with a buddy, was fun and enjoyably nihilistic / pointless plotwise. Now we're digging into Borderlands 2, this being my third time restarting from the beginning. But it's so fun I do not mind at all.


    Also so many games bought in the Xmas sales on Steam. Now to find time to play the things.

    bah, nearing the end of my first playthrough of BL2, probably won't finish it, just feels like work imo

  6. ^Just rewatched this today. Humor is pretty dry and definitely got a few chuckles out of me. I agree on the story a bit all over the place, I think it's more of a collage/snapshot of what the film industry was like at the time. Not the Coen brother's best but still a worthwhile film for someone into film history. 


    Lol, I've noticed it's hard to see when one meme ends and another begins when they have the same width


    fresh meme mixes delivered by meme DJs with seamless transitions. 






    how dare you speak ill of stouts, sirrah. how very dare you.

    Stouts are like pineapple on pizza. It's all yours.


    As for me, I will enjoy hoppy IPAs with a nice slice of well-done pepperoni pie because I like things that taste good. :emotawesomepm9:  


    ^ had an American "Budweiser" for the first time last weekend in Manchester and it is indeed amazingly shit. How do you guys drink this / call it beer? Tastes like shitty lemonade.


    if you think that's shit, you should try steel reserve which is the poor man's champagne


    omg please tell me they don't export that shit. If so, what an embarrasment.


    I've still had worse. Our local grocery chain, HEB, makes "Frio" which is cheaper version of Lonestar/PBR priced stuff. I drink it when I do lawnwork. There's also a ton of tallboy cans of stuff cheaper than Budweiser, most names of which I have essentially forced myself to forget.


    Texas has Lonestar which is comparable to Miller IMO, as well as PBR. Not Miller lite but the regular stuff. Coors is ok I guess. These are summer beers to drink while hanging around outside, wash down the taste of cheap weed, and to enjoy when you are broke.



    pics pls








    10. The cold tasteless stuff you call beer is actually lager. Only proper British Bitter will be referred to as "beer." Substances once known as "American Beer" will henceforth be referred to as "Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine," except for the product of the American Budweiser company which will be called "Weak Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine." This will allow true Budweiser (as manufactured for the last 1000 years in Pilsen, Czech Republic) to be sold without risk of confusion. 
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