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Posts posted by YO303

  1. If half of or more of the population are afraid of how the president is going to ruin their lives maybe the president has too much power.



    People are afraid of the voices Trump gave to all the scum racists out there and they thinking this is a green light to be openly racist and aggressive 


    Im not afraid of trump because there is no way in hell this fool can bring the whole thing down, i don't even think he is a true racist, he's just some old school shit talker man child i know guys like that and they are innocent just a little fucked up in the head thats all


    The media ran a moral campaign against him and thats all there is to it moral anger, this is what our own media did to us and just for the $$$



    I hope by the end of his first term we will see some kind of Nuremberg trials for the global, financial, and political elite.

    You keep buying devices that promote slave labor but yeah fuck the elite, don't blame urself for anything

    You can thank the New World Order for that. Our horrendous corporate taxes have created so much fucking misery.

    I blame ourselves for not being aware enough/have the balls to say no

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