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Posts posted by YO303

  1. Hey there guys *high five*


    Have to say I spied on the tv the other day this Jay-Z, Beyonce bullshit concert. Like whats that got to do with anything? Whoooo so these two are down with Clinton, wow how cool lol. I must vote for her then.


    Trumps gonna win this because Trump has many layers of slime, but in my opinion that Clinton woman has just as many layers of slime but because she's somehow a 'democrat', 'down with the Jiggaman and Bey-O' and a bit 'left' shes like the lesser of two evils?


    Nah don't think so. It makes her worse imo.



    Are you kidding me?


    Trump's campaign is run by white supremacists, look up who Roger Stone is 


    At this point is not about policies cause they both suck, its about the soul of the nation, if trump wins all the hard work in terms of social progress this great nation has done will be undone 


    I thought the (13 years old at the time) girl reportedly raped by Trump was going to have a press conference yesterday about it?


    Prolly shit, only reported on rumor sites? Like, what about the press conference from Bill Clinton's son;



    I must say the Jerry Springer vibe from this election is hella entertaining. 




    this is amazing, real life is getting much better than scripted television (it always was imo)


    Weiner is indeed a funny looking dude .... I wonder if his careless texting affects his future prospects, like becoming the mayor of NYC ... btw what the is that flag he's carrying? New York flag?




    I think that's an Ecuadorian flag. His political career is cooked though.




    why do we expect men to suppress their sexual appetite? i can barely get tru the day without masturbating twice


    Of course there needs to be self-control but is suppressing the best option? not saying society should allow men to fuck whenever/whoever they want, maybe lower the bar a bit and expect to find weird sex shit in men's electronic devices

  4. 5 years before this was released i was a slipknot fan, hardcore metal guy but then druqks was released and it changed me forever, 5 years after druqks Calrk's Body Riddle  was released and now as a new born electronic music fanatic i am able to enjoy this LP

  5. I'm more concerned about what happens after the elections at this point, tbh. Either Trump wins and the entire political system implodes, or Clinton wins and Trump begins his own TV network - with help from ailes and his breitbart buddy - spewing more vile propaganda, making the world more miserable.



    After they release the dirt they have on him his only fans will be bottom of the barrel cunts not enough for a tv network

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