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Posts posted by YO303




    By the way i don't think the establishment is suicidal, they;ll never allow trump to start a nuclear war, the moment he threatens to drop a wmd they'll put a bullet in his head 


    the pentagon is actively making smaller nukes. battlefield nukes. and figuring out scenarios where it's acceptable to use them. there are hawks in the pentagon.. as well as reasonable people.. who basically just want to play with all the toys and teach "the enemy a lesson" etc.  the stereotypes are real in some cases. 




    couple of questions cause i don't believe everything i read


    who do they want to nuke? can't imagine a reason why they would want to nuke someone like russia, thats chaos, maybe they want to reset the middle east? is that what u are saying ?


    also .. sources? i want to know how the people that hold advance weapons think 




    the pentagon has plans for everything. the CIA does too. they have people who just make plans and do studies about what is feasible etc. possible results, possible blowback etc. 


    there's a "committee to liberate iran" and probably north korea etc. 




    ha! well thats scary 


    By the way i don't think the establishment is suicidal, they;ll never allow trump to start a nuclear war, the moment he threatens to drop a wmd they'll put a bullet in his head 


    the pentagon is actively making smaller nukes. battlefield nukes. and figuring out scenarios where it's acceptable to use them. there are hawks in the pentagon.. as well as reasonable people.. who basically just want to play with all the toys and teach "the enemy a lesson" etc.  the stereotypes are real in some cases. 




    couple of questions cause i don't believe everything i read


    who do they want to nuke? can't imagine a reason why they would want to nuke someone like russia, thats chaos, maybe they want to reset the middle east? is that what u are saying ?


    also .. sources? i want to know how the people that hold advance weapons think 


    its a myth that the world is a mess, more and more people are having comfortable long lives with great potential, of course its not perfect and it would be great if 100% of humanity had the same opportunities 


    Reseting the whole thing would be a disaster, just think about what kind of ideas would be in power, Gengis Kahn all over again, i don't want that, i just want to stay at home safe smoke a joint and watch the debates, laugh at trump etc etc i don't want to be killed at age 30 by mongols 


    I wasn't thinking that the human race survives the reset.

    It is a mess, by the way. For more reasons than we could begin to cover here.




    is one of those reasons that u are a depressed nihilist, i understand that position very well but i can't live my whole life thinking human life is shit etc etc, i have seen acts of kindness that restore my faith in humanity, i want all living creatures to have the best life possible 

  4. its a myth that the world is a mess, more and more people are having comfortable long lives with great potential, of course its not perfect and it would be great if 100% of humanity had the same opportunities 


    Reseting the whole thing would be a disaster, just think about what kind of ideas would be in power, Gengis Kahn all over again, i don't want that, i just want to stay at home safe smoke a joint and watch the debates, laugh at trump etc etc i don't want to be killed at age 30 by mongols 

  5. wd gorbin









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