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Posts posted by YO303

  1. these people are all fucking jokes, out best hope is a 129 year old jewish guy who is out of his mind and the moment he sets foots in the office he dies of old age and the reptilian overlords replace him with a shill spineless vice president


    god bless barnie wish him all the best and long life

  2. If anyone wants super-vivid dreams get melatonin with l-theanine, i took one before going to bed for three nights in a row and the three nights i had very vivid dreams and i can remember 75% from each dream. I havant tried to lucid dream yet but i should really try, i always thought it was a waste of time cause i never remember dreams but with this it can be possible i think.

  3. so im doing some reading on salvia since its been brought up and someone described the salvia realm as their home which is exacly how i felt as i was coming down, i felt that place where the reptilian priestess resides was my home and thats one of the reasons i was so sad.


    If you are interested on salvia look up the mazatec people, they use it to communicate with the virgin mary but before the spanish conquer of mexico it was the usual serpents and shit like that.

  4. my (only) salvia experience was positive, my body was paralyzed, lots of laughter and then the roof turn into endless waves of hands and in the distance i felt the presence of a reptilian priestess who had lots and lots of motherly love to give, as i coming down i started crying cause i wanted to stay longer and hug whatever presence was there.


    edit: forgot to add she was in a treehouse in a jungle, i never visualized this but i felt it, cant really explain this

  5. By the way rogan has changed his tune now cause i believe he is seeing the same things i see, he goes into this deep peaceful rants (i am aware he did before but im talking about something else that is similar, its hard to explain you just have to trust me its relevant and factual) that two years ago he would be making fun of, he is trying distance himself from all the bigotry that has been building around the anti-cencorship battle


    Adieu, if there is a battle against censorship i want to side with rogan not with what has morphed into the alt-right (who was born amidst the battle of the comedians vs censorship)

  6. it matter where you live cause if you only get his music and nothing else i can see how he is liked but when you attach it to the circus that is his public life people react to that more than to the music, i dont think his hate has anything to do with the music (or maybe it has something to do with it i dont know i think his music is solid but not enough to listen to it on the regular)

  7. The real friends theme is a big one in pop music but i dont understand it, nothing about the lifestyle they promote tells me they actually care and if they do why do they act like they act and promote the lifestyles they promote, really weird.

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