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Posts posted by YO303


    as much as she's a form of demonic representation on the earth, that was funny

    I don't mean it personally BuuuuuuuuT whenever i hear a guy about hillary being demonic or somesuch (eg. "cant stand her voice" or "she's being insincere" are also good ones), I basically assume he's having some deeper issues with his mother and/or women in general. And yes, that's a broad generalisation. Kinda like those deplorables.

    That's right, and when I called dick Cheney a demon it's because I have grandpa issues


    why can't just one of these cunts running for president come out as an atheist

    i don't know if i care about a presidential candidate's religion or lack thereof. there's still a massive portion of the country that's religious that also makes things rather complicated to simply ignore the issue (or at least imo).


    tbh, if someone is religious (or not) i'd rather they keep that to themselves.

    Okay have fun having Christian weirdos telling u how to live ur life

  3. why can't just one of these cunts running for president come out as an atheist, even progressive Jill Stein tip toes around the question wtf come on america its time to evolve 


    ii thought obama was going to come out as atheist during his second turn, the guy still goes to church looool what a joke this guy is too smart to believe in that shit, what is he doing?????

  4. If I was an Adderall head I would on wall st making deals hustling living the life


    I'm just curious about the world, do you really believe the official story?, google "Roswell crash UFO computer chip" after about 5 pages you'll find a Geocities page telling you about the truth about our recent technological advances and who are you gonna believe the official story or some meth head who while high unlocked the truth about technology

  5. will they risk the real hilary on the debates or will they use a clone? i heard clones are unstable so who knows, maybe if the real hilary statrs spazin' out in front of millions she'll get more sympathy 


    How about the donald, will he stick to the script bill clinton sent him or will he go rougue and tell the american people the truth about what is really going on behind the scenes, stuff like celebrity cloning or how we did not invent the computer chip we stole it from that ufo crash roswell 1947 


    that would be great, if he discloses the truth about ufos and aliens ill vote for him even if he turned out to be Hitler at least ill die knowing we are not alone in the universe and that in fact we have been controlled and manipulated by the alien themselves, with my last breath ill call the aliens "daddy" hopefully they will feel sympathy for me and let me live as a slave 


    that's a pwn

    I know we've been over this, but... how is he still a mod? Should someone this bigoted really be representing WATMM? JFC

    I just love how he lives in Australia and knows more about the dynamics of USA than people that live here.

    A day browsing infowars.com and this mofo thinks he is an expert on how things work.

    Isnt the human mind amazing, it has the power to make an Australian basement dweller think he is a prophet we should listen and respect loooooool what are your credentials buddy, show your face do a weekly podcast let's meet the man behind the delusion


    @ limp


    you are delusional and need to stop using the mainstream media as your source of information already.

    Once again, evade the subject...just ad hominem your way out of it


    Trump went on record saying Blacks are lazy and stupid

    The gov't sued him twice for not renting to non-whites

    His cabinet is filled with openly racist people

    He says literally "I love war" and he talks about wanting to use nukes

    He openly praises the world's fascist dictators

    He has incited his supporters to use violence

    His proposed foreign policy VIOLATES THE GENEVA CONVENTION


    Please, Delet, pick any one of these and defend it

    But delet and his fellow trumpeters agree with all of that shit lol trump cannot do any wrong in their eyes

    this Russia bullshit is excruciating:




    that headline...is about trump criticizing the Iraq war on Larry King. Holy lol.


     It's funny how monumentally ironic it is for them to use such a spun headline when one of the first trump quotes that they use from the interview is,




    “Well, I think the dishonesty of the media. The media has been unbelievably dishonest,” Trump responded. “I mean they’ll take a statement that you make which is perfect and they’ll cut it up and chop it up and shorten it or lengthen it or do something with it.”

    “And all of a sudden it doesn’t look as good as it did when you actually said it. But there’s tremendous dishonesty with the media. Not all of it, obviously, but tremendous dishonesty,” he said.


     You have to remember that the washington post is the newspaper that assembled an hit team of 20 reporters, specifically to dig up dirt on Trump. They haven't had much luck, so like the rest of the media are relying on just straight up lying, defamation of character ect.. The one thing that they found was that trump's father had been arrested in the vicinity of an KKK riot. Of course he wasn't a member of that organisation (which was infested with and founded by democrats), wasn't attending the event and it was years before trump was born, so that was a bit of a fizzle.


     You know, if you had asked me two years ago, i would have never have thought that i'd be defending trump the politician on the internet. I didn't give a shit about the man, either way, he didn't really exist in any meaningful way that would have allowed to me to have generated an estimation of him, well except that he seemed a little snide and self important. But now i find that he's been politically consistent for 40 years, and aligned with many of my values. If you are voting for hillary, you are nuts, she will be the open borders war monger in chief. It will be a corrupt and violent dystopian future with the complete melding of large corporate interests and government, a return to fascism with totalitarian communism thrown in at the bottom for the implication that the government cares, whilst they jack your arms up with vile chemicals against your consent and take your kids away should you demonstrate the slightest sign of independent thinking.




    They are both equally bad but for different reasons 


    The only reason to vote hilary over trump is with hilary things will continue as they are and maybe this whole fucking nation can get their shit together and elect someone decent/fix the political system in 4 years time


    Trump scares the shit out of me, some of the policies he comes out with are borderline fascist and the people he surrounds himself ugh, mike pence is a ted cruz diet.


    I just love how you all trump lover rent boys see him and this anti establishment anti globalist warrior when he is the opposite of that loooooool


    And this whole "we must preserve western culture from invaders " i don't buy it, just another fear tactics by those who want to control you.  I don't think we are in any danger of going sharia law.

  9. Child, return to the hipster wilderness. The tricks in this thread are great, just can't find any new ones to post up.



    the greatest trick i have seen a magician pulled is make my care and attention for their art disappear 





    all i can think about is the teacher been all excited the day before, saying to herself "this is gonna kill"


    The sociological gap between her generation and the generation she is teaching is huge, she'll never understand memes and thats the real problem.



    this would've been incredibly lame no matter what generation had the misfortune to witness it.




    i don't know, if she was teaching in the 50's and instead of modern pop songs about fucking she sang to the tune of some old shitty pop song about how my sweetheart is waiting for me at the train station she wouldn't look so lame and creepy.

  11. Believing in UFO's and aliens is the modern iteration of religious thinking. Gods, angels and magic has been replaced by aliens and advanced technologies. They also offer the "saviour" aspect and prophets (abductees). 



    but aliens are more plausible than god lol

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