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Everything posted by YO303

  1. Take it with a grain of salt but interesting http://www.rawstory.com/2015/04/scientists-psychedelic-drugs-safe-as-riding-a-bike-or-playing-soccer/
  2. im loling all the way to the bank .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD8A5N9doG4
  3. soo good, one of my favorites afx tracks EVER, sounds like an african tribe having a hunting ritual at night.
  4. i sold skrillex burned CDs of all the analord, maybe thats what hes talking 'bout.
  5. if i could ban you two idiots (john and sagan) from this thread i would, stop turning this shit into your own playground of social media narcissism, and if you want your own thread make something cool instead of typing paragraphs worth of nonsense just because you feel the need to be alpha in a room full of nerds because god forbid the people you interact in real life dont give you the time of day.
  6. was waking up at 3 am to your mom taking a shit worth it?
  7. just saw this one yesterday, probably the best doc of North Korea i have seen (even better than that vice thing)
  8. maybe till the official is release ... 2 costum break acid 18 elb2 CEETAH17 teac 17 elb1 pretend analog extmix 2b ceetah3 teac 26:40
  9. i'll just leave this interesting article here, maybe it will help http://reset.me/story/the-benefits-of-microdosing-with-lsd-and-psilocybin-mushrooms/ ---- it was genetic
  10. Facebook and Instagram okay i understand (i dont do neither of those) but twitter is important to keep in touch with the world and its not that addictive, check it every few hours to see what is going on in the world.
  11. In my opinion people who are into making the poll and a compilatio cd are missing out on how beautiful the SC dump is because you are still attach to this idea of some plastic junk being woth something, i mean people are talking about like "i need this physical CD in my house" in the mean time theres 200+ to enjoy and manipulate playlist however you want, its an amazing and beautiful thing, dont ruin it.
  12. I dont know why this is so important, all that this will accomplished is another 250 pages of idiots saying why X track wasnt in there, is this what you want. Im convinced that some people arent fans of the music, that are fans of being fans of something, and all this bullshit is just fandome diatribe
  13. Because people were asking for it, pretty sure in earlier comments he said would rather work on new music than master this.
  14. All of you have been brainwashed into thinking you need box sets and cds, why is fucking plastic so important? This is turning into a bigger deal than the actual music and thats sad, you guys are putting all of your energy into a fucking piece of plastic with 14 songs in it when a digital format alow us to have 200+ tunes. Its a waste of resources, and no wonder half the amazon rainforest is gone.
  15. lol is he playing the holophonor ??
  16. this is all unnecessary anxiety lol, almost impossible to choose top 5 tracks out of 200+tracks, i guess when the compilation cd comes out ill buy it but im happy with what we have, everything else is a bonus and all the logistic and voting ill leave to someone else
  17. CHEETAHT7 Teac is very Analord 2, love it so much
  18. ^ lol what is the world to describe this .. meta, ironic ... i dont know im not a grammar/vocab man
  19. how long did you hold it for ???"""? if i hold too long, the whole time peeing is all im thinking, can't concentrate on anything else, kind of like an extreme version of what happens if you dont masturbate
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