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Everything posted by YO303

  1. im 100% sure she wanted to like Applebee's but clicked on aphex twin by mistake
  2. You idiots sure love taking the fun out of music.
  3. I don't like to be a "die-hard" fan but this is awesome as fuck this is my new wallpaper, i have no shame
  4. The Quietus: Great call. I think you're right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9QLBDI3he8 does anyone know the song at the beginning?
  5. awesome, it says on their website it will premier on the 6th
  6. germans are too busy dancing to shitty micro-techno
  7. love it if someone can find it online please post the link, i been trying cant find anything
  8. lol yeah sounds like a load of doglies, cant believe people here are falling for it.
  9. "Fans were just so happy to get it, fucking hell. I've got thousands more like that at home. I should release all that stuff as well.”" Each time I go back to it, I realize there were loads more tracks. So it started off like a double album, but I think it's about four albums' worth. So it's really hard to pull together. I just need Warp or someone to come around and say, ‘Come on, let's fucking get these things out.’ But they don't, so it's just up to me. And nobody else hassles me.” omg richard what are you doing to me :):) warp start hassling afx
  10. 5. And finally, he confirmed Syro wouldn't be a one-off—it's got him "kicked into gear" for a new period of output. :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign:
  11. yes, the cover if very afx-y if that makes sense. the last thing i want is to look at an afx cover and see some pretentious artsy bulshit. the cover art makes sense is what im saying
  12. It's finally happening all jokes can stop shit got real !! AFXAFX
  13. https://vine.co/v/M37F1mB5IzB
  14. Lucy - I know what you are thinking, this looks like one of the dumbest movies, well it is but it does some interesting stuff, dont go rush to see it but dont pass it either - 7/10
  15. i make 700 dollars a week and have -85 dollars to my name .. im not very good with money lol
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