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Everything posted by YO303

  1. Plaid are waiting outside the venue but I'm too afraid to say hi
  2. im having a sort of existential crisis, i fear everything and my mind is thinking all the time about concepts i am not ready to deal with. Right now i want to be able to enjoy life and not think about ends and all that shit, i want to persue the things i want to persue without this monkey on my back. I guess everyone has to deal with this shit, its the human condition. any advice?
  3. My anxiety is so bad that even when I feel extra good and relax I feel like something is wrong.
  4. Planet of the apes - I was entertained but that shit was too Hollywood, so many cliches. Also not crazy enough (altho the crazy they showed was awesome) 7/10
  5. why would you go see it if you hated the other movies and know what you gonna get, really idiotic. The kids wanted to see it, what crawled in your vagina and died Lol fair enough that makes sense sorry
  6. why would you go see it if you hated the other movies and know what you gonna get, really idiotic.
  7. at least you got cancer, i got AIDS all throughout high school
  8. just found two ticks in my leg, freaked me out for a bit because i thought they were deer ticks but it looks like they are dog ticks. there is a bunch of feral cats around my house so its probably them
  9. 22 jump street - it was funny but for the whole time i was distracted by a big old fat guy with a mustache who felt asleep during the movie. So the movie was good but not good enough to keep my full attention.
  10. i just clicked on (and read) and article titled "The 30 Hottest Bearded Men Of The World Cup"
  11. Stomper 101 is so sexy, I can see myself shooting a load to that song
  12. it just feels really silly, i cant see myself saying names like "Denerys" or "Melissandre" in real life (in a serious matter)
  13. who the fuck talks about game of thrones in real life? (or any other tv show) dont you feel silly talking about tv shows to people?
  14. Very good melody in that 101 rainbows, sort of reminded me of polygon window for some reason. In general though the album reminded me more of ICBYD though, which is saying a lot since that is such a class record.Actually reminded me more of vintage BOC (due to the SH-101 no doubt)...Oh yeah I hadn't thought of that vintage BOC huh ...I was really surprised how fresh the album sounds I guess the really top quality releases are a bit timeless. This whole event has been cool it's neat to be part of this forum for cool stuff like this. Very good melody in that 101 rainbows, sort of reminded me of polygon window for some reason. In general though the album reminded me more of ICBYD though, which is saying a lot since that is such a class record.Actually reminded me more of vintage BOC (due to the SH-101 no doubt)...boc+aphex I can dream. That'd be so dope...Im trying to compare 101 rainbows to hiscores(old tunes). god, do I love boc. is it too farfetched to say 101 rainbow is a BOB mix of an afx track? BOB mix = LOL Boards of Bob
  15. Very good melody in that 101 rainbows, sort of reminded me of polygon window for some reason. In general though the album reminded me more of ICBYD though, which is saying a lot since that is such a class record.Actually reminded me more of vintage BOC (due to the SH-101 no doubt)...Oh yeah I hadn't thought of that vintage BOC huh ...I was really surprised how fresh the album sounds I guess the really top quality releases are a bit timeless. This whole event has been cool it's neat to be part of this forum for cool stuff like this. Very good melody in that 101 rainbows, sort of reminded me of polygon window for some reason. In general though the album reminded me more of ICBYD though, which is saying a lot since that is such a class record.Actually reminded me more of vintage BOC (due to the SH-101 no doubt)...boc+aphex I can dream. That'd be so dope...Im trying to compare 101 rainbows to hiscores(old tunes). god, do I love boc. is it too farfetched to say 101 rainbow is a BOB mix of an afx track?
  16. the big 3 !! the 'phex, the 'rex, the 'phlex'. you missed out the prank phone calls, which is a definite 10/10 from me. big lol. yes 10/10 for the prank calls
  17. did you mean diluted? yeah i dont know, i heard deluted before (someone with delusions) sorry English in not my first language
  18. Flutey - Not really feeling this one, maybe if it was shorter 5/10 Stomper 101mod Detunekik - Love this one, classic AFX 10/10 Mumbly - if you put SAW 1 and polygon window in a blender you'll get this song, excellent stuff 9/10 Popeye - your typical 1 minute afx track, good stuff - 8/10 Fingertips - hits every spot - 10/10 Revpok - good 8.5/10 AFX Tribal Kik - lol Airflow - okay 7/10 Squidge In The Fridge - vintage afx 9/10 Fingry - good, very interesting sounds 8/10 Jazzphase - chill 7.5/10 101 Rainbows - i refuse to believe this is an afx song, i already erased from my memory 0/10 Phlaps - never liked this one 3/10 Cunt - i love what this song does to my veins, i can feel it traveling tru my body, a big fat 10/10 It was worth the wait, some instant classic and some really good tunes, that being said people who say this is better than compilation are deluted.
  19. joyrex i can provide you with my amazn payment number pls i want to hear this lol
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