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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. 4 minutes ago, chim said:


    Deploying where? Also Kasparov beat the first DB, against version 2 he was fucked over by IBM sleazebags every step of the way. Moore's law would've made a loss inevitable eventually but it wasn't a fair match at the time. 

    according to the secretary general, "on land, at sea and in the air". my guess is that is code for "somewhere close to the border of ukraine near poland"

    also: was jk about kasparov and deep blue. i remember they kept asking for re-matches despite him kicking it's ass a few times but i think everyone had it against him or something

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, ignatius said:

    the european countries have something to say about that too.. it's not just USA making the sanctions. 

    correct. and i believe that was part of putin's gamble that he can outlast (survive) any sanctions imposed by this attack. 


    1 hour ago, Psychotronic said:

    Give those klingons their neutral zone. 


    • Burger 1
  3. 1 hour ago, zkom said:

    Finland not joining NATO has more to do with Finlandization, Soviet-Finnish relationship and the trauma caused by that than any kind of idealism. For example Finland could never have joined EU if Soviet Union didn't dissolve and absolve Finland from the Finno-Soviet treaties. Why Finland didn't then apply to join NATO after the Soviet Union collapsed like the Baltic countries did? I think it's more to do with the myth of neutrality created during the Soviet times. Finland used to be under a sphere of heavy Soviet influence and had very little space to move in international politics which was played out to be "neutrality" which was in turn then fed as a story to the Finnish people. Finland was "independent" and "neutral" but the USSR just happened to dictate who's the president here and what can be written in press..

    Sweden was always probably more truly neutral player. But the history and geopolitical position of Sweden is very different from Finland so lumping together Finnish and Swedish foreign politics, esp. towards Russia, doesn't make much sense.

    putin just put a stop to all this:


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  4. 14 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

    Been too busy the last few days to really let all this sink in, but I’m sat in my chair with a beer and getting the headline’s from (love it or hate it) BBC website and starting to feel nervous about all of this.

    it's weird to see a country tweet this to it's citizens:

    i can kind of understand biden's reluctance to unleash "crushing sanctions" especially considering they haven't kicked .ru out of SWIFT, but again: putin isn't a dummy and either knew this wouldn't happen or gambled (correctly) it wouldn't based on international relations. i doubt putin is going to encroach on NATO countries like .ro and .pl so-

    let's hope xi jinping enters the arena otherwise it's up to biden and .de to not wait months and see if current sanctions are affecting .ru

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  5. 3 minutes ago, joshuatxuk said:

    I don't think they have the amphibious or air capability to assault Taiwan outright.

    when putin invaded ukraine yesterday, xi jinping sent 9 chinese bad boys to see what's cooking in taipei. then today, taiwan let us know where they stand. and we (sort of?) know what china is thinking?

    my guess is that while xi jinping probably doesn't care much about what's happening, i'm not sure if he can afford to do what putin is doing to his economy or maybe he hasn't talked to everyone that will be heavily impacted by his decision if he moves forward.

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  6. 2 hours ago, joshuatxuk said:

    Putin has literally said if Ukraine joined NATO it'd prompt them to consider activating nuclear forces and if a post-Ukraine member NATO moved in to take back Crimea he'd use a nuclear strike. 

    i think that's his excuse. ukraine still cannot join NATO because it fails to meet a few of the conditions for membership; not to mention zekenskyy has said joining NATO was still "a dream" for them, so i think even he knew it was a long way off. this conflict with .ru will now only make it even more difficult and considering putin has moldovia and belarus' compliance it's really a matter of how long ukraine can hold putin back while the west keeps sanctions going. 

    but my guess is that putin has calculated that measure. this would be a really good time for china to let us know where they stand, because if they decided to do their own invasion into taiwan, we're all signing up for WW3

  7. 1*AMGSEqxyMKC8xYGNSIm8jA.gif


    Snoop Dogg avatar NFTs have landed in The Sandbox! The metaverse game launched the rapper’s first-ever 10K collection at 10 pm UTC on February 22. Called the Doggies, 10,000 Snoop Dogg avatars are up for grabs. These are voxelated NFTs algorithmically generated from over 150 traits.




    • Facepalm 2
  8. Texas_Chainsaw_Massacre_2022_Poster.jpg

    the first of these was really good, but ever since then i feel like they have become incredibly ridiculous and this one really goes beyond the ridiculous spectrum to a whole new height of unbelievability. but i did enjoy the short haired jewish girl. she has potential. mazal tov

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