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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. Quote

    A Texas woman tried to purchase a one-year-old boy for $500,000 from his mother as she queued in a Walmart self-checkout line, authorities say.

    Rebecca Lanette Taylor, 49, from Crockett, allegedly told the mother who was waiting with her baby and infant son that she liked her the boy’s “blonde hair and blue eyes” and inquired how much she could buy him for. The mother tried to laugh the comment off, thinking Ms Taylor was joking. Ms Taylor then told her she was prepared to pay $250,000 and had the cash in her car, and that she had been waiting to purchase a child “for a long time”.


    The mother responded that “no amount of money would do”, and told her to get away from her child.

    At this point a second unidentified woman appeared and began asking what the boy’s name was, according to the probable cause affidavit filed by Crocket Police Department lieutenant Ahleea Price.

    Even though the mother refused to tell them, Ms Taylor and the other woman somehow learned the boy’s name and began calling out to him. Police say she waited for the two women to leave the store, but after exiting she was accosted again while trying to reach her car.

    “Once in the parking lot Taylor began screaming at (the mum), saying if she wouldn’t take $250,000 for him, then she would give her $500,000 because she wanted him and she was going to take him,” the affidavit stated. As the mother locked herself and her children in her car, Ms Taylor stood behind a black SUV parked next to hers and repeatedly told her she she wanted to purchase the child for $500,000. Taylor eventually left in the SUV.

    Lieutenant Price reviewed Walmart’s CCTV footage and found it supported the mother’s claims, and went to Ms Taylor’s home to speak to her. According to the affidavit, Ms Taylor told the officer she “she doesn’t like thieves”. “Then she stated I could speak with her attorney and to get off her ‘precipice.’ She slammed the door shut.” Police obtained an arrest warrant and Ms Taylor was taken into custody on 18 January and charged with the third-degree felony of the sale or purchase of a child.


  2. this was flamboyantly full of itself. patrick bet david is a right leaning interviewer who likes to stuff as many words into a question as possible to help steer you into a more conservative answer. michael franzese is a right wing former member of the columbo crime family. sammy the bull is a gangters gangster. 

    for about 4 hours these guys rehashed their history and pretended to be angry at one another . the other 6 they bitched about politics and made out.

  3. Quote

    "Ivanka Trump just learned that the January 6 Committee issued a public letter asking her to appear," a spokesperson for Ivanka Trump said in a statement. "As the Committee already knows, Ivanka did not speak at the January 6 rally. As she publicly stated that day at 3:15 p.m., "any security breach or disrespect to our law enforcement is unacceptable. The violence must stop immediately. Please be peaceful.'"




  4. movieposter_en.jpg

    this was really stupid. at one point, the documentary attempts to prove that the nazi's captured a triangular shaped UFO that has been the basis of a lot of the advancements in space and aeronautical travel. how do they prove this? most agencies around the world have a space program that has a triangle shape in their logo. see that isosceles triangle on the NASA logo? that's a shoutout to the UFOs



    fake ethnographic documentary purporting to show a native tribe in africa that sacrifices a virgin annually to appease a large gorilla. this film became a hit, despite clearly being made up of footage from various films and occasionally being shot in a studio, and convinced king kong producer merian cooper that "gorillas plus sexy women in peril equals enormous profits". 

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