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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. 15731-poster-b-uemura-naomi-monogatari-1

    i'd never heard about this guy, but i doubt i'll now ever forget him. this is the guy that crossed the arctic alone. actually, with his dogs. he did so with a tent, supplies, a rifle, an ice axe and two radios. a few days into this, a polar bear attacked him. he lost all his food, tent and supplies so he radioed for an airdrop. that would take a few days. the next day the polar bear returned. 

    you know how in action films there's always a scene where someone is running and the ground is disintegrating behind him? that happened to this guy. except he was on a sledge his dogs were pulling. half of them died. he rescued the others and floated on a sheet of ice until he found a bridge (made of ice) to escape. 

    next level badass out of ten


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  2. Quote

    LONDON, Feb 11 (Reuters) - The platform which sold an NFT of Jack Dorsey's first tweet for $2.9 million has halted most transactions because people were selling tokens of content that did not belong to them, its founder said, calling this a "fundamental problem" in the fast-growing digital assets market.

    Sales of NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, soared to around $25 billion in 2021, leaving many baffled as to why so much money is being spent on items that do not physically exist and which anyone can view online for free.

    Reports of scams, counterfeits and "wash trading" have become commonplace.



    • Haha 1
  3. Quote

    Which skin color emoji should you use? The answer can be more complex than you think

    "I present as very pale, very light skinned. And if I use the white emoji, I feel like I'm betraying the part of myself that's Filipino. But if I use a darker color emoji, which maybe more closely matches what I see when I look at my whole family, it's not what the world sees, and people tend to judge that." Racela, of Littleton, Mass., said.



  4. Quote

    Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein is currently inbound from the Oort Cloud, a distant region of the solar system known for packing billions and possibly trillions of icy objects. The comet will make its closest approach to Earth in 2031, when it will come to within 11 au of the Sun (1 billion miles), in which 1 au is the average distance from Earth to the Sun. The comet, coming no closer than Saturn, won’t likely be visible to the unaided eye, but astronomers will be keeping a close watch, as it’s turning out to be a rather extraordinary object.



  5. On 12/16/2021 at 3:02 PM, Nebraska said:




    according to Solana blockchain records reviewed by Motherboard and shared with an independent researcher, we know who bought the NFT collection: Melania Trump herself, or at least, whoever set up the auction for her. In a statement to Motherboard from "the Office of Melania Trump," Trump said "the nature of Blockchain protocol is entirely transparent. Accordingly, the public can view each transaction on the blockchain. The transaction was facilitated on behalf of a third-party buyer."


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