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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. yoyos result in 481,153 workplace accidents per year. Health and Safety is EVERYONES responsibility people
  2. The only thing I have done differently (we have tried this over the years with no success but thought to try it again) is we turned all the chairs underneath all the tables out, so that it can't hide on the chairs but under the tables? If that makes any sense. My thought was by taking away the little spot where it feels its "hiding", it would be forced to interact with us a little bit (even if we're just walking by), and when each interaction proved to it that it wasn't get hurt or anything it would warm up to us. Does that make sense? But yeah it's great news, thank you! Here it is just chillin' behind me:
  3. such a cute kitty!!! Those markings and the blue in its eyes, really nice. btw weirdness. Over the last week or so the spazcat has been warming up to me unusually. Just now when I got home it rubbed on my leg and gave a little meow. I can count on one hand in the last 3 or so years how many times it's intentionally approached me. And there was already food in the dish so it wasn't that. lol does my cat watmm or something? Friends with the mod turtle maybe he ratted me out? edit: like right now its sitting right behind me in the computer room even though the other cat is across the house (the little one follows him around constantly). This is so f'en weird. I guess I just had to complain to watmm and Peace sent me his crazy good kitty vibes and boom fixt.
  4. Plz cher recipe. It's a slow cooker recipe but I'm sure you could cook it stovetop! Btw it turns out fairly thick, more like a stew than a soup. It's super tasty with some sriracha or other hot sauce too. Ingredients: 2 14.5oz cans diced tomatoes 1 15oz can navy beans 1 onion, diced 3 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 teaspoon oregano 1/2 teaspoon dried basil 1/4 teaspoon dried rosemary 2 bay leaves 4 cups vegetable broth 1 pound kale, chopped (make sure to properly remove the tough stem that runs the length of the leave) salt/pepper to taste ^^ That's the original recipe. In addition to that I added 2 chopped fresh tomatoes and a pound of shredded chicken. I also used chicken broth instead of vegetable broth (mostly because that's what I had on hand). Directions: Wilt Kale in a large pot with a few tbsp. of butter. Place all other ingredients in your slow cooker/crock pot, stir in the wilted kale. Cook on low for 7-8hrs or high for 3-4hrs. Remove bay leaves. Serve and enjoy!
  5. FWS Made a soup that sounded kind of funky (chicken/tomato/kale) yesterday to eat throughout the week. Not only is it delicious, it's also super, super healthy (450g = 215 calories, 22g protein... I weighed measured and calculated everything out). I'm still trying to lose weight so finding recipes like this that are that low calorie but still filling and delicious is a big win.
  6. Does anyone know where chengod is going ? No. Could someone please tell me? Comet Ping Pong Pizza?
  7. ^ yeah actually I don't really like the sleep thing for your levels either. Not sure what they were attempting to accomplish there compared to just giving you experience immediately after the battle or quest (sans multiplier). RE the sidequests, you can toggle an indicator for them but only one at a time. I guess you're right it would be nice to be able to turn them all active on your map. Hmm... 12 was really good IMO! I think you missed out. but yeah not a perfect game, far from the disappointment it could have been though.
  8. Finesse is based on your dodging/parrying and link/break attacks. For higher finesse try and get behind the enemy and use your techniques (the ones that use the green bar) as much as possible. If you didn't know that anyways. The leveling/ascension is nothing new really. Isn't it more or less the same thing they had in FF10 with "the grid"? Anyway, different strokes/different folks. I can really tell the battle director for Kingdom Hearts was involved. Overall the battle is kinda a hybrid between FF12 and Kingdom Hearts.
  9. 8hrs into ff15 and can honestly say it's great so far. My biggest peeve right now is that treasure spots regenerate so the OCD in me doesn't know if I've collected that treasure or not... so that's not too bad. Battle mechanics are solid, difficulty is just right. Lots to do (side quests, hunts, etc).
  10. Anyway lets get back to the awesome cat pics.
  11. for peace Thanks. If by attacking you mean crossing the house without making eye contact or talking to it or trying to touch it and just making sure I put food and water in a safe place for it. lol @ MGF it is a male and it hasn't been de-sexed. could be contributing =/
  12. Sorry if I over reacted. Just came across harsh to me as we just really try hard to keep the thing happy and can't bring ourselves to give it up because our shelters euthanize a HUGE percentage of animals that get dropped off (like 75%). Our kitties don't like catnip. The older one (non-stressed one) really likes honeysuckle though. The little one doesn't seem to react to it, but it does like to eat hand soap for some reason. We have to hide the bars of soap =/ edit: but yeah we'll get it to the vet and see if there's anything the vet can find. Sorry to cat drama the cute kitty pictures thread. lol I limpyloo-ed it didn't I?
  13. Such a pink little nose :) As for mine, I think we're going to take it to the vet and double check for any sort of medical issues again, it might be in pain for something we can't see like someone suggested earlier.
  14. My girlfriend has a cat who didn't let anyone near it but her-- not her parents, not her friends- nobody. About a month ago I first met the cat, and I was able to pet it the first night I was there- my gf was like WHAT THE FUCK. And now I am the cat's first new friend in ever, and I'm very happy about it. Anyway, here is my IDM cat knowledge: Basically, my technique was/is to respect the cat. I didn't start off just trying to rub my hands all over the cat and cum in his face, then start ramming his asshole with my fist. I first talked to him. Then I put my hand out, so he could smell me. My thinking was that it's polite to introduce oneself with smell, and by allowing the cat to make the decision of bonding (he chooses to smell me, instead of me choosing to pet him without permission), I think he respected me for that. Because I respected his ability to have a say in anything. So then I just kept letting him smell my hand, and there you go-- still sort of nervous at first, but he definitely wanted to bond. In the following days/weeks, I also gave him nice food, every now and again. If your cat is hissing and scratching and pissing, it prooobably doesn't like what you're doing at the time. So, stop doing it. All animals are generally the same-- imagine if someone kept flicking your face, and every time they did it, you attacked them and pissed yourself. And then they KEPT on flicking your face, on a daily basis. You'd think that person was a serious fucking asshole. So how does that person who kept on flicking your face gain your trust? By respecting you. By taking into consideration what you want and don't want, and that can start by the cessation of flicking your face. And then they could come near you and talk, but not flick your face. Slowly, you will trust that they don't want to be an asshole anymore. If you can show your cat that you actually respect it- and allow it to make decisions about petting and whatnot- then it will understand that you are no harm, and you all can live in harmony. Plus, give it good fish, every now and again. Edit: I didn't like your post at all if you're serious in what you're suggesting its not very nice. but I recall now that MGF has reminded me that you post really absurd things cause' you're a funny guy maybe you're half kidding or something. I dunno.
  15. Hmm... I wonder what it is. I've flagged your message for the mods + joyrex in case you're not able to do so yourself.
  16. u guys should enroll your kitties in gymnastics
  17. Has your subscription expired? Browser settings? If you can't do anything or look at anything how did you type this FWP in this FWP thread?
  18. ^^^ looks almost identical to my angsty problem kitty
  19. lol there's a show about this type of thing?
  20. Possibility #1: I've *heard* that if cats aren't socialized with humans when they're a kitten, then it's tough going. (Essentially they don't know what humans are about, and so they perpetually see your gestures as a threat)...if this is the case, your best bet is to expose it to humans in the least stressful way possible, and be super-ultra-slow with your gestures, and let it always see your hands so there are no surprises... and also you should have Temptations nearby, and reward it every time it does something you want it to keep doing Possibility #2: Your cat is in pain. (Is his/her back muscles tensed up?) I don't think its in pain. RE treats: this cat will literally run up to the food bowl as I'm pouring food, look up at me and hiss at me as I pour the food or as it eats. I've tried reinforcing good behavior with treats but.... if I try to give the treats directly to it (so it knows the food is coming from me) it usually hisses and runs. If I put the food far away either my other cat eats it or the little one doesn't realize I've given it a treat. =( Its really frustrating. Oh well, we'll keep caring for it even though its miserable. At least that prevents it from being put in a shelter.
  21. lol well I'm prolly not going to do that ooze das mean. I kind of think yeah it's probably damaged.... It always has like a semi feral look in its eyes, wont look anyone in the eyes and you can always see it is eyeing an escape route. I feel bad for it we just want it to be happy. Maybe being a barn cat it had owls and coyotes and stuff after it, its in constant fight or flight mode =(
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