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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. ^ what species is that? edit: eww I think I found them. Joro spiders. =/
  2. I always thought daddy longlegs were harvesters (still arachnids but not spiders). They look like spiders though so that's enough for me. I'm a huge wuss when it comes to spiders. Anna kills em for me if they're in the house. Little teensy spiders we leave alone, but the ones that build webs in areas we use (smoking area on the deck, anywhere we sit/relax in general) we tend to get rid of.
  3. Hugh Mughnus

    elseq 1-5

    quite awesome. One of the few tracks off elseq I jam to.
  4. Agreed, yes, the room has a huge effect. The biggest reason I listen to it on my stereo vs headphones is because my wife listens with me, we listen to the same music. Also my brother too if he's around. I enjoy my headphones a lot though.
  5. Congrats!!! That's been on my wishlist for a while.
  6. I prefer to hear the music the way the artist intended too (at least I think I do? heh), but every system has its little nuances no? can't you EQ just to correct flaws (you perceive) in your system? I have a pair of floorstanding speakers that are oldschool that are just a bit too bright so I try and compensate for that with the eq. noob question
  7. I can see that, for sure. Maybe bringing things into the foreground a bit, shuffling things into the background. That kind of thing. I have a stereo in the spare room I sometimes listen to for just that reason. They are a bit more forward with the treble and mid, hear some nice little details I wouldn't hear otherwise.
  8. I very much dislike any of the ipod EQ presets. My main system is fairly sensitive, any tonal problems from the presets are just super amplified lol. Also without soundcheck on I find all of the presets just cause extra distortion =/ no? I'll just use my rack EQ. Edit: I actually still use my ipod for the majority of playback, via aux cable into my main stereo. My ipod is decent, I got one with a different dac/w.e.. I don't listen on headphones very often. I have the vinyl but haven't opened it yet because I'm a bit of a nancy.
  9. Happened to me this summer. I was driving to work and this lady on my block was flipping me off and making faces. The next day I was going to work, following behind someone, when the person slammed on their breaks in the middle of a busy street almost causing me to smash into them. Lo and behold, it was the crazy middle finger lady. She got out and started screaming "you know you don't fucking live here! you know you don't live on this block!!!!" and went on and on. A few times she has blocked my gf in her car, in the middle of the road too, like put her car in the wrong lane so my gf can't drive.. Then starts mean-muggin' her, like she wants to fight. f'en psycho.
  10. Hugh Mughnus

    Fuck Tri

    sucky sucky 5$
  11. Very surprised that no one has figured out a software to install onto the harddrive to fool the encryption so you could take your contents with you, or play DL'ed games on multiple units.
  12. huh, that's pretty cool actually. Didn't know that was a thing. I should look into that for training and presentations at work. Might be useful.
  13. What's a smartboard? I'm just seeing an oldschool whiteboard with dry erase markers and a drop down projector screen lol. I'm getting old though. Eyes are going.
  14. Also, fuck getting a PS Pro... I'm not buying into the whole 4k shit just yet. I'd rather just install a bigger harddrive in my current PS4 for FAR cheaper and stick with that. apparently the visual improvements aren't just limited to 4k though. Higher AA, HDR etc.
  15. Sad thing is, if the sales numbers are there, this will be the new thing. Biannual new models. hurray throwaway culture
  16. hmm, I'm surprised at 30hrs. I was hoping it would be 45ish. Expansion pack hopefully in the future? I'm going to play it either way, looks great.
  17. Awe man. I imagine a number of shots and paperwork would be required. Wishful thinking I guess. He/she looks like such a sweetheart though. Very cute. :)
  18. I want =( edit: I actually want it. Can we make it happen?
  19. WHEW! They're reshipping the bonus disc. I was really worried that I did something wrong when ordering. So far the album proper is one of the AOTY for me, really good stuff.
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