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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. It's quite nice IMO. Can't imagine anyone else making this. Edit: and it's distinctly Aphex Twin (vs afx or whatever), I can hear it in the pacing and melodies.
  2. if you're gonna cheat you might as well unlock everything using the console and end that nonsense lol
  3. pro-tip...run autohotkey... copy this into a notepad file and save as .ahk file type. Tape down mouse button while you're at work. ~$LButton:: KeyWait LButton, T0.5 If ErrorLevel While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){ Click Sleep 25 }
  4. 1.8 million per second @ 3 hours. fuck. too addictive. thanks a lot bud. 5.12M/second this game is like crack
  5. Thx buddy, I'll add Na in anticipation of it coming out shortly. I'll edit the post to correct if anything changes.
  6. Division of labour indicates you would be talking about micro rather than macro, because you're discussing allocation of a resource (labour). This partly answers the question "what is produced and how?" Which is one of the key basic questions in micro. This is a socio-economics course. It's more looking for a comparison of famous economists economic theories and their application throughout history. Comparing division of labour in the context of fourier vs proudhoun, or godwin or babeuf. Oh then just copy and paste Chapter 1 of Wealth of Nations and Chapter 7 of Das Kapital. bahaha I'm tempted to do that. =P
  7. VH I'm doing a very poor job maintaining the original post. What all has been released that I've not added? =/
  8. Thanks, I think you're right actually. Pretty basic now that you put it that way. I haven't done a social studies type course in a long, long time .
  9. Division of labour indicates you would be talking about micro rather than macro, because you're discussing allocation of a resource (labour). This partly answers the question "what is produced and how?" Which is one of the key basic questions in micro. This is a socio-economics course. It's more looking for a comparison of famous economists economic theories and their application throughout history. Comparing division of labour in the context of fourier vs proudhoun, or godwin or babeuf.
  10. Info/non-info, really.. lol. Unibroue and Phillips Brewery are two that come to mind immediately.
  11. Most of the good beers in Canada come from either Quebec or BC beerboss! From QC they will emulate belgian, german beers + trappist ales. More of the hoppy brews come from BC. I'm not sure you'll find a session ale like you're looking for (my understanding of "session ale" being a beer you can drink all night). Canada's output seems more geared to having one of several diff kinds all night. Chengod should speak up though, he's an aficionado whereas I'm just a drunkard. heh =)
  12. There have been on Amazon Yeah and were quickly removed. What's the problem with Aphex Twin samples being on there?! For example, they never do that with Autechre. I'm not sure tbh. I feel like Aphex maybe stipulates less promotion than his contemporaries. Wasn't the green blimp pretty much the only advert for Syro? Compared to the RSD tomorrow's harvest thing for BoC + desert listening, etc. Or maybe Aphex is like a protected commodity and they don't allow their distributors/vendors to release samples, tighter leash kind of deal? ack, I'm not sure.
  13. Where are you buying those delicious sounding things!!!! lol! I can't imagine finding those anywhere here. I'm working for the same company. It was a "half" promotion. It's for the same company. It was a move to a position with only a slightly higher pay scale but they explained the move to me as one for preparing me to take over my boss's position when he retires. Essentially he has 5-7 years left with the company and they want to keep my interested to keep me around until he leaves. So I've gone from being the plant super to the dreaded "health and safety coordinator". I'll be managing bigger budgetary items and will have my hands in the regulatory side of my business. I'm super excited and well pleased that they're investing in me as in the past they've treated me poorly. They've done a 180. On top of that they will pay for me to get extra education and certifications on their dime AND time. =O
  14. Thanks pal! You always eat really unique foods, I'm jealous. I googled Tamasen but I can't get a clear answer as to what it is? It appears to be a rice cracker with filling... can you elaborate?
  15. I don't understand my essay question in economics. "How does the division of labour define the subject matter of economics"? I get that the subject matter of economics is the production and distribution of output. Division of labour is essentially "who does what". I get historical context RE different economic systems and how division of labour relates there. But I can't connect all the dots to answer how division of labour "defines" the subject matter of economics. ffs maybe it's just semantics I'm getting held up on.
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