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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Can you imagine? Battling random people that are in your proximity (trains, walking around, whatever). I'm envisioning nerdy fist-fights etc in the near future when this becomes available.
  2. Why don't you just buy it? It's $20?
  3. Yes the Cheetah EP is really RDJ.
  4. Really really really cool of him to do that.
  5. Shovel Knight was a wicked game. Right difficulty level, old school fun time =)
  6. I'm stuck on it too. must, click more more cookies 1.297m handclicks
  7. beauty. Good one bcm-boss
  8. There is a period (2007-2014) where we had no musical output at all from him, under any (known) alias. That's seven years of music-making yet to see the light of day (if none of it was from the SoundCloud dump, which I don't think goes beyond 2005 in known dates, right? I suspect Cheetah, CCIPT2, ODS, Syro, and... other things to come are from this time frame. Well, I know 4 bit was played in a 2005 set... so given RDJ's tendency to let things sit before playing them we can assume that was probably made around 2001-2005 lol. Makes you wonder what goodies he has stashed, for sure.
  9. Wow, this is ridiculous. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36721584 If you watch "the video", the cops have the guy pinned to the ground before they shoot him. It sounds like they yell "oh shit he's got a gun" and panic, but they could have easily just thrown the guys gun off to the side since they had him pinned. These cops should be charged and convicted of murder. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. (I know it's not, there will be all kinds of excuses as to why they shot the guy I'm sure)
  10. shit I thought she was in the clear, excuse my comment earlier then.
  11. sorry lol I meant go-del. Not you. My bad. protein is less calorie dense than carbs tbqh usagi maintaining that BMI den
  12. Yeah, that's what I thought as well. I may have misunderstood what Usagi meant though.
  13. mixing the bacon in...? I never thought of that. Did you cook the bacon first or leave it in raw and cook with the raw beef? (I'm guessing the latter to get the fat and bacon flavour to cook throughout.)
  14. It seems likely, now that I think about it. Especially to go from the picture of "New Downfall", to alluding to Mike&Rich with the "Downfall" picture.... I would be so happy if it was the original, re-released (maybe a few bonus tracks to go with), but I would probably crap my pants if it was a new album entirely lol. (Edit: I know this is like a 0.00001% chance, but someone else mentioned it heh)
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