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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Why can we only do level 20 legacy strikes though? =/ I can't do any higher than that. Daily heroic story and strikes are gone as well.
  2. Yeah you're right actchooly. Rankydank it was, overall.
  3. it was rank. not dank this is not the rank memes thread meng what have you done
  4. I saw that actually. I wonder if one of the mods can change it to prevent confusion.
  5. just by reading this I assume your gf is quite hot. blyskys gf's are always quite hot tbqu fyi byob bbc ffs
  6. how do you block a member had to ask on chatmm because i never do it, but you click on your own name at the top of the watmm page and go to 'manage ignore preferences'. damn... I was just curious. You've done nothing blockworthy to me. Your memes aren't as dank as npo's though. ;) thats right shots fired
  7. no dont =( this is the funniest thread in ages
  8. I sleep on my stomach as well, with my head pointing to the left. I can't fall asleep on my back I don't know why! I know it's not good for me.
  9. I had that last year man, when my dad passed away I basically flunked the whole year you know? Pick yourself up and try again, it's all you can do!
  10. You'll get there.... what exactly was your fuckup?
  11. Your assumption that they are economic migrants is what's distasteful. There is a red crescent precisely for this reason. This was a bureaucratic mistake. Nonsense. It's not an assumption. Look at the hundreds of videos online of these people stampeding, robbing stores, throwing feces at people, and treating Hungarians like shit. Migrant or refugee, the title doesn't really matter when you're acting like that. Take it up in another thread I guess, as tsg said this isn't the one to do it in.
  12. this is just like a BBQ i had the other day where i invited some Jewish friends, we only had pork sausages and of course they wouldn't eat it. if they were really hungry surely they would have had a bite right? but no they didn't, this is exactly like this issue. on a more serious note, i disagree with everyone on this page's views about the refugee crisis. however i am way to busy to argue with you guys about it, here is a link instead. http://www.aljazeera.com/blogs/editors-blog/2015/08/al-jazeera-mediterranean-migrants-150820082226309.html lol if you can't see the difference between refusing pork at an invitational entertaining fun happy time bbq due to religious beliefs, and this situation then I don't even know what to say such an incredibly false parallel.. I don't even....
  13. lol why are you equating distaste for seeing economic migrants acting in this manner to a neo-nazi site? That's quite the uh... comparison. I'm actually surprised there is no thread on this particular crisis =/
  14. This is not the only video I'm seeing that is making me mad. There are videos of migrants in hungary chanting "Fuck you" and "allahu akbar", stories of them throwing shit (actual human shit) at german authorities, and beating up an old lady in italy. The old lady was ripped out of her car by a bunch of young men, stealing her car so they could drive up to Germany.
  15. I agree. Then the conclusion to draw is that these people are economic migrants, not refugees, and should be refused passage. No? (Obviously that's a broad statement, I don't mean that NONE of these people are fleeing really shitty circumstances)
  16. They aren't even in their destination country (which they always claim to hate) and they are already imposing their laws. It's hard not to see these types of things as an affront to our own values.
  17. holy shit I can't believe that's for realAs real as dead babies floating on Greek beaches. So, commonplace and only entering the news when it needs to create partisan political issues in foreign countries? =/ Plot twist: survivors of that boat are now saying the father (I'm presuming you're talking about the now famous 3 year old kid) was the captain who bailed ship after 4 minutes. Also it's rumored he's an economic migrant only leaving because he needed free dental work (not kidding, he needed 14K worth of work done, allegedly). BUT! This is the America thread, sorry for the tangent.
  18. Only because I don't know where else to be angry about this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeMIX90-594
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