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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. It's funny you say that actually. Sometimes when I'm having a really bad day or a panic attack or whatever I find myself suddenly looking at real estate in other cities, like I want to just jump ship and restart my life (with my gf of course, she's awesome and tolerates my shit quite well). We've been talking about moving to Vancouver and our most recent visit there, seeing how laid back the people are etc, made me want to move there even more. Chenboss showed us some really cool places. Aside from that I think I just need to see a professional and start working out my issues, I don't know why I have such a hate-on for myself.
  2. lol to be clear though, I didn't mean that it was something I would do.
  3. Do any of you find that you had more purpose after having children? Does life click after that? You should never have children to validate your own existence. If you are suffering from depression, one of the worst things you could do would be to have a child. Oh I know, I would never do that! That's a recipe for disaster, divorce, or worse. Not fair to anyone. That would be a selfish move. I was just curious what you guys think. Did you find it changed your life? I mean, it's obvious it would change your life. I guess I'm not using the right words here. I guess what I'm trying to say is that maybe that's the light at the end of the tunnel, having kids that is.
  4. Ugh, I've had a few root canal's myself. The root canal is about $600, but it's ANOTHER $600 if you get a crown! I'm no therapist, so any advice I give is half-assed at best. But you're already doing the right thing by talking about it. I've had moments of self-doubt in my twenties too, including thoughts about "pulling the plug". But when my step brother went that route last New Year's, I realized how wasteful that is. Because we still have so many years ahead of us, and so much potential for what we can produce and offer to the world as individuals. Maybe it takes getting outside one's comfort zone and trying different things from time to time. Or just hanging out with friends, like last Saturday. Just know you're not alone when you find yourself in moments of self-doubt, cos it's more common than we might think. But definitely don't be afraid to address it with people you trust. Those are all really good points actually, thank you. Maybe a lot of it is needing to find purpose in life, as in what I can do for others. I've volunteered quite a bit in the past, it always makes me feel good. Maybe I should do more of that. Do any of you find that you had more purpose after having children? Does life click after that? I help manage a manufacturing plant. Very easy job, not fulfilling. I need something more challenging, I think that's adding to the depression actually.
  5. I've got such a good life, tons of people that care about me, an education, a great job (actually it's a shit job but it pays wayyyy too much to complain about it), etc... but roughly 2/7 days a week I think about how easy it would be to quit life. I think I'm safe as in I'd never actually take next steps, but it's fucked up that I think about things like that. Even when thinking, I know how wrong it is. I feel like an ungrateful piece of shit sometimes when I think this way but I honestly don't seem to be able to control it, the thoughts just pop into my head. Is this a medical condition? This has been going on for years. These thoughts are why I tend to medicate with booze etc.
  6. I get a few hundred a day at work and sometimes I simply don't have enough time to go through them.... Time gets away from me I guess. I have 239 today (total over the weekend + today). =(
  7. yesterday's page 3 girl is from the windowlicker video, I swear
  8. fuck that sentence makes me feel old. yep this record has exceeded expectations for me, absolutely love it. Dan really knows how to nail a concept album yeah jesus blank are you only 15 or something lol I think he's actually 16, or maybe he turned 17 this year. Actually.
  9. I'm meeting a bunch of watmmers in van tomorrow and I'm nervous
  10. lol I hope you see the humor in that. Also happy to hear you're not getting fucked with a felony.
  11. I'm just messing around lol please FBI please no send agent here.
  12. Ha well I might more like street price for just an eighth. Obviously buying larger bags is the way to go! In that case, I pay $15.23 lol
  13. The official "Get StephenG into OPN Thread" lol sorry, wasn't trying to shift the focus or anything.
  14. lolz! is that real? once i start eating that stuff i can't stop. that stuff is like crack
  15. Reallly, Reallllllllllllllly awesome pics man. Those deserve to be album or movie covers. Do you mind if I share them? Credit to you of course.
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