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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. But are you ? because you just sound bitter to me. Fans don't say that crap about Mozart, just magazines etc Hoards of fans..ewww bet none of them are home owners either, probably don't wash regularly either. Doesn’t sound at all like your happy about the thought of other people enjoying someones music you don’t . Do you own your own house then? If one owns ones own home does one then have more musical say over one who is in rented accommodation? I’ve wanted to say this for years, “Sir , your a snobby prick!” I thought you said you were happy for Aphex fans or was that not really true ? I pretty much agree with the Mozart thing, unless I dont count as a fan! And by the way, I pay rent on my studio but I hope to buy and build when there's time. And this guy must be psychic or typing in his underwear too. What if you own MORE than one home?
  2. And what point is that exactly? All the fans were asking non stop for the live tracks to be released. So he released them. That's nice of him. I love Syro, Stephen. But you can't deny the fact that it doesn't sound like something he made to be released. Compare it to the Chosen Lords compilation. I said recently in another thread that that album sounds incredibly clear and professional when compared to Syro. I love the Syro tracks but they have this very harsh mastering and hiss and lack of sound clarity that make the release seem like how he once put it in another record "12 unrealased tracks I had no intention to release for cash". I'm incredibly grateful he did it though. It's a fantastic collection despite the rough edges. I found the mastering a little too hot on circlont 6 and syro, those tracks bothered me. But I think the hiss is intentional and I quite like it actually lol.
  3. It's one thing to have some negative criticisms (IE I don't like the mastering, chord progression, lacks certain feelings etc). It's another thing to say it's a "dull flat plastic piece of useless shit". One of those makes you an asshole.
  4. HAB isn't that great, I like maybe 2 or 3 tracks and its definitely far from his best work. You cannot compare syro to an album which he made nearly 20 years ago, appreciate what he did then and move on. lol, same artist, so yes I can. I realise that fanboys are getting butthurt at my comments, but come on... Syro is the least good Aphex Twin album, and has most of what makes Aphex Twin great, completely missing. It is like a dull plastic version of what it could have been. A sign of the times I suppose. All the tracks sound too clean and flat, and there is nothing vast and astonishingly artistic on there. Even the piano track doesnt sound as good as the piano tracks on Drukqs He gave the fans exactly what they asked for so how can you be mad? For years people have been asking him to release those live tracks, and he did, and tacked on some extras. Why do you have to be so aggressive with your attacks on the album? If you don't like it, find, but "dull" and "flat"? Are you listening to this on your ipod earbuds or are your ears just completely buggered? Not to your tastes, sure, but dull and flat? .. wut?
  5. It is strange actually. I kind of prefer the mastering on the 1st track. Some of the tracks (syro, circlont6) sound too hot to me.
  6. And what point is that exactly? All the fans were asking non stop for the live tracks to be released. So he released them. That's nice of him.
  7. there's been loads of really negative comments, what thread you been reading? it's fine not to like something but a lot of people seem to be almost taking the fact that they don't like it personally, like Aphex has deliberately tried to insult them or something. i think it's because the album is too funky, these people can't dance for toffee and an upbeat album heavily reliant I groove scares them. you can't really sit in your darkened room with the curtains shut and get all moody and depressingly introspective to this album, which is what i imagine the majority of the naysayers like to do most of the time. also, don't test me new person or I'll fuckin ave yer! You don't see anything insulting in slaping together a bunch of old binned tracks (has anyone realised that those sound 1:1 exactly the same as on the youtube recordings?) with huge amounts of hiss and overmaximized mastering because the original multitracks have been long lost as insulting? Didn't he say he is a "sucker for sounds?". Why has it been released as "Aphex Twin" and not as "The Tuss" although all tracks are basically from the latter era? not insulting at all. It's not like it was forced on to your ipod or you were forced to pay for it.
  8. How do you know that I haven't lurked for years or even if it's my first account? I may need to appologise actually, i'm not sure. I think I have just clicked report by accident. My computer is slow at the minute and the screen was jumping all over the place while loading everyones avatars. It's...a....joke... derp
  9. if you have below 100 posts, seriously get the fuck out of my face. It's like really? You want me to think your noob ass has a valid opinion? unbelievable Post count makes your opinion more valid? Get the f**k out ma face. Just shows that you have less of a life. Just kidding but, your attitude whiffed a bit. I think John were taking the piss out of Limpy ... Well that one guy with like 14 posts obviously joined just to post that he didn't like it. He's very probably Bibio.
  10. if you have below 100 posts, seriously get the fuck out of my face. It's like really? You want me to think your noob ass has a valid opinion? unbelievable Post count makes your opinion more valid? Get the f**k out ma face. Just shows that you have less of a life. Just kidding but, your attitude whiffed a bit. You haven't been around long enough to have an opinion.
  11. so make it a completely different album then up the ladder with you mr.
  12. Now listen to osla for n been there tried that m8 lol
  13. I think it's going to be something like this. Will report back after mind fried.
  14. It's acid syro 1st listen time guyth commencing in t minus 7 minutes
  15. i think we all know he meant his penis mate. lul
  16. Yep, goes to 'page not found' here Mine goes to a 43 page photo spread of Richard laying and sitting in the grass like your avatar. creepy
  17. :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Hi Richard edit: again
  18. It is a completely different record at 45 lol
  19. lol "shut your rancid orifice" he probably laughed his face off
  20. my god what an interview this pitchfork feature is. really really good
  21. lol he mentions the watmm "guess what syro means" thread confirmation that he is at least lurking reading what we're saying! lol edit: in the pitchfork feature
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